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Olive oil benefits and remedies

Since, the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated that it is a good remedy for Anal fissure, hence for the same complaint patients were advised to take two spoonful of olive oil at bedtime and an ointment was applied on fissure locally at retiring and in morning, prepared from 8 spoonfuls of olive oil and 2 spoonfuls of ground henna leaves. This showed very good effects against the problem. It is a good tonic for hair and maintains the luster. Its combination with other prescribed drugs of Tibb-al-Nabwi is a good remedy for Psoriasis and Eczema. The impressions of several doctors practicing in Middle East and North Africa reveal that no case was detected of Gastro Intestinal Carcinoma, among those who were used to consuming olive oil. Japanese doctors also endorse this fact and have the opinion that olive oil prevents the incidence of G.I.T. Carcinoma.


The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated that it is a good remedy for intestinal inflammations. Therefore it was used in the cases of G.I.T ulcers and found very much effective. It is also observed that no remedy equates the benefits of olive oil in hyper acidity and gas troubles.


The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) recommended the use of olive oil in Pleurisy. Keeping this in view olive oil was administered in various diseases of Respiratory tract and it was observed that the regular users of olive oil were least affected with common cold and coryzha? and pneumonia.




A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice can help soothe stomach pain. To use this natural remedy, combine 1 tbsp. olive oil with the juice of ¼ lemon and drink the mixture twice daily, ideally in the morning and evening before meals. This treatment can be repeated daily as necessary unless it bothers your stomach further or causes any other adverse side effects. Large portions of this mixture can also be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours if you prefer.


A mixture of olive oil and papaya juice can help to get rid of a stomach ache and stomach pain. To make and use this mixture, combine 1 tbsp. olive oil with 1 tbsp. fresh papaya juice and stir to combine. Drink the mixture right before each meal up to four times per day. This remedy can be used daily as long as it does not cause any irritation or adverse side effects. Unused portions of this mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours, though it should be stirred before consuming to make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of both ingredients.

One tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach will stimulate digestion, relieve an upset stomach, and alleviate flatulence and heartburn.

Take one teaspoon of olive oil mixed with some lemon juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to treat constipation.

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to some olive oil, and massage it into the abdomen to soothe an upset stomach.

To lower blood cholesterol levels
The monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels without affecting HDL ("good") cholesterol or triglyceride levels. To lower your cholesterol, at least 15 percent of your daily calories should come from monounsaturated fatty acids. Whenever possible, use olive oil in place of butter or other vegetable oils in cooking, in preparing dressings for salads or vegetables and in making sandwiches.

To treat ear complaints
to clear stopped up ears, put a few drops of lukewarm olive oil in the affected ear. Lie for 5 min on the opposite side, and then turn over, so that the olive oil can flow out again. For minor earaches, soak a cotton pad in olive oil, and then add 5 drops of lavender oil. Place it loosely in your outer ear until the pain abates.
Caution: do not put any liquid in your ear if you think you may have a perforated eardrum!

To prevent hair loss
Massage your scalp with olive oil every evening for eight days. Let the treatment work overnight; wash out in the morning.

To moisturize skin
Apply daily to dry spots or stretch marks

Goodbye Gingivitis

Do you suffer from puffy, bleeding gums and foul mouth odor?  If so, then chances are good that you could be suffering from gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums.  Regular brushing, flossing, dental checkups and cleanings are must-do preventative measures.  But, olive oil can greatly assist in fighting red, swollen gums and warding off periodontal problems, which can lead to tooth loss. 

To help combat gingivitis, simply give a thorough 1-2 minute rinse (don’t swallow!) with a mixture of 1 Tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon of water.  Studies have shown that this olive oil remedy can decrease plaque (the sticky substance that turns into tartar), which usually only a dental cleaning can remove.  If you want to fend off periodontal disease and save your pearly whites, then it’s definitely worth adding into your oral hygiene routine.

Calm a Cough

Frequent coughing and that annoying “tickle” in your throat is no fun at all, especially when it keeps you and your family up at night.  Or, even if you’re coughing attack happens during the day.  Often a constant cough that isn’t related to emphysema or bronchitis is usually due to a cold or allergens.  Taking 1 Teaspoon – 1 Tablespoon of extra-virgin olive, can quickly help you calm that cough, as it lubricates and calms the back of your throat.  And it doesn’t have undesirable ingredients that many commercial cough syrups do, so you and your family can take it safely.

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