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People of African Descent; the Sahabah RA


Many of those of African Descent who had accepted Islam in the early days, were either slaves or sons of slaves and despite their humble beginnings, they rose to the heights of dignity in Islam. Nonetheless, we decided to commence our discussions with a king, a man who was recognised for his justice, who earned a rare distinction in history; the king of Abyssinia, al Najashi.

Al Najashi is the title given to the kings of Abyssinia just as Amir al Mu’minin is the title of the khalifah of the Muslims. Ashamah was his real name. An African name which meant gift, and most definitely he was a gift to the Muslims who immigrated to Abyssinia.

People who assume positions of authority are generally afflicted with the disease of pride and arrogance and are in the habit of oppressing their subordinates. But this was not the case with Najashi. He was an embodiment of humbleness and justice. His fairness in dealing with his citizens had become the talk of the day in different countries of the world.

Najashi’s father was the king of Abyssinia. He passed away leaving only one small son behind, Ashamah. He bequeathed the throne to his brother, stipulating that after his son reaches puberty, he will become king. His brother, however, grew greedy and sold Ashamah to some traders. Allahs ﷻ system works in amazing ways. That night, the brother passed away. So the Abyssinians brought Ashamah back, seated him on the throne, and placed the crown upon his head. [Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah, vol. 3 pg. 82.]

Meanwhile, in Makkah, the Muslims were being mercilessly persecuted by the kuffar. Rasulullah ﷺ was in search for a base for Islam, or at least a sanctuary for the Muslims. He examined the different kingdoms of the world at that time, but found no place suitable for his Sahabah RA besides Abyssinia. Therefore, he told them to immigrate to this African country informing them, “Lives therein a king, by whom no one is oppressed.” [Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah; Sirah Ibn Ishaq] This alone is a great accolade for Najashi. Rasulullah ﷺ was cognisant of his integrity and fairness and instructed his Companions to travel to his land.

Another peculiar accolade of Najashi is that he was the first to assist the Muslims and grant them refuge. While the entire world plotted against the Muslims, he defended them. Imagine the amount of sincere prayers he earned from Rasulullah ﷺ. The honour that Allah ﷻ bestowed upon him is sufficient testimony to this. On the Day of Qiyamah, you will see him seated in the company of Rasulullah ﷺ and the Rightly Guided Khulafa’ RA under the shade of Allah’s Throne. The first of the seven categories promised divine shade on that dreadful day is a just ruler. [Bukhari, Muslim]

While the Muslims enjoyed peace and safety and the opportunity to worship Allah ﷻ without restrictions in Abyssinia, the Quraysh burnt with malice. They sent two of their envoys with exquisite gifts of the finest hide of Makkah for the king to convince him to return the Muslims back to Makkah. The Qurayshi envoys first met with the patricians of the king and won them over, brain-washing them into believing that the new immigrants had invented a false new religion and must be returned back to Makkah for the people of their land know them best. The two thought that their trick will work with the king as well. However, they were in for a nasty surprise.

They presented superb gifts to Najashi before complaining about the Muslims and requesting him to return them immediately. The patricians supported their case, but Najashi on the other hand became upset at this unfair conduct and determined that he will not decide anything until he hears their side of the story. His justice had saved him from making a terrible blunder. The Muslims were thus summoned to his court together with the king’s bishops. The Muslims were resolute on speaking nothing but what Rasulullah ﷺ taught them.

The Muslims’ spokesperson, Jafar ibn Abi Talib RA, gave Najashi a detailed account of the unfolding of events. He firstly mentioned the wicked lives they were living, followed by the special blessing Allah ﷻ conferred upon them, His beloved Messenger ﷺ. He listed the outstanding characteristics of Rasulullah ﷺ and enumerated his salient and significant teachings which they follow. Finally, he spoke about the persecutions of their own people which forced them to take sanctuary in his country, highlighting the fact that no one in his land is oppressed. Najashi requested the speaker to recite some of the new revelation. The opening verses of Surah Maryam were recited before him. Totally captivated by the words of the Qur’an, Najashi and his bishops listened attentively in silence. Tears rolled down their faces. When the reciter completed his recitation, he looked up and found that Najashi’s beard was soaked with tears and that the bishops had wet their manuscripts opened before them with their tears.

And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say, “Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses. And why should we not believe in Allah and what has come to us of the truth? And we aspire that our Lord will admit us [to Paradise] with the righteous people.” So Allah rewarded them for what they said with gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. And that is the reward of doers of good. [al Ma’idah: 83 – 85]

“By Allah, certainly this and what Musa `alayh al-Salam brought come from the same spring,” he exclaimed. The Qur’an had penetrated deep into the recesses of his heart. The manifestation was to be witnessed very soon. He allowed the Muslims to live in his country and practice their religion openly and freely, assuring them that no one will harm them.

One of the envoys devised a scheme that he felt will definitely work. He decided to play on sentiments and disclose the belief the Muslims held regarding Sayyidina ‘Isa `alayh al-Salam, which was contrary to what many Christians believed, thinking that this will bring the king’s wrath upon them. The Muslims were summoned for a second time to court and were more apprehensive this time round. However, they maintained their composure and explained to Najashi what the Qur’an had to say about Maryam RA and Sayyidina ‘Isa `alayh al-Salam. He was the Messenger and slave of Allah, His soul and word which He cast into the virgin Maryam RA. Najashi confirmed what the Muslims believed, as it was verbatim the words of Sayyidina ‘Isa `alayh al-Salam, despite the bishops making a hue and cry over this. Again, he promised the Muslims safety, warning that anyone who troubles them shall face punishment. He then had the gifts of the Qurayshi envoys returned to them and dismissed them from his court. [Musnad Ahmed, Hadith: 1676]


Prime Spot!!!


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