•Grow your own vegetables and herbs. Save space by growing climbing beans, tomatoes and cucumbers up trellises and arches. Lime green lettuces show up well among violet and purple flowers the stem of ruby Swiss chard are striking contrast in form when grown among red roses and perennials with red flowers.
•Pot of thyme, rosemary, coriander and sage are decorative and aromatic, ideal for a sunny patio, basil has a pungent scent that discourages insect pest and is one of the most well known and used herbs in cooking.
•Succulents have some of the most fascinating plant and foliage shapes in the plant kingdom. Their leaves, stems, and roots have been adapted and modified to store nutrients and water and to reduce moisture loss.
•March is a good time to remove old soil in your pot plant containers and replace it with organic – rich potting soil that is friable, well drained yet still water retentive. Sprinkle water holding gel granules in the potting soil .
•Collect coriander, dill, aniseed and careway seed. Fry in brown paper bag, then store in sir tight containers. Deadhead oregano, marjoram and sage. Look out for lawn caterpillars.
•To keep insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses, slugs and snails at bay, grind two handfuls of ripe chilli pods. Soak in a litre of water for 24 hours, shake well and filter the liquid through a cloth.
•The garden in autumn becomes a more enjoyable place in which to work, and is the perfect season.
•As the rainy season comes to an end, plant petunias in a sunny position and in well –drained composted soil.
•If Azealeas need trimming do this as soon as they have finished flowering. Trim hedges and fertilize with a general fertilizer, soaking the soil before and after feeding.
•Give newly planted trees and shrubs a thorough watering once a week to encourage a good root system and new growth. Their feeding roots extend to the drip line of the branches so make sure this area is included.
Courtesy of Kay Montgomery