Sameera Casmod |
06 August 2024 | 10:11 a.m. CAT
1-minute read

Image: InSight Crime
- Globally, human trafficking is the fastest growing organised crime
- South Africa is no exception, with corruption a major contributing factor
- Numerous organisations are working to raise awareness in order to prevent the scourge in SA
South African National Human Trafficking Hotline 0800 222 777
The SAPS Special Task Force (STF) unit rescued the victims from a house in Sunnydale Ridge where they were kept against their will in inhumane conditions. Two suspects were apprehended at the property in Benoni and are expected to appear before the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court soon.
Human trafficking is the fastest growing type of organised crime in the world. South Africa is no exception, with corruption a major contributing factor in the country.
Speaking to Radio Islam International, founder and managing director of the Joseph Movement, Tershia De Klerk, said, “There is a lot of corruption, especially in the human trafficking sphere.”
The stakes are extremely high in modern-day slavery, with high sums of money involved.
Human trafficking is divided into three categories- labour trafficking, sex trafficking, and the removal of organs- and includes forced begging, marriages and illegal activities such as theft, illegal mining, drug smuggling and prostitution.
According to statistics, only 2% of victims escape or are rescued, making prevention a key factor in combating human trade.
De Klerk works with a network of NGOs and individuals to raise awareness about the problem and encourage people to report suspicious activity.
Listen to the full interview on Sabaahul Muslim with Moulana Sulaimaan Ravat.