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No special visits for Block, says prison official after Sisulu turned away

Neelam Rahim |
2 min read | 9:03 pm CAT

Prisoner rights organisation SAPHOR has condemned Minister of Tourism Lindiwe Sisulu for not adhering to regulations as she, accompanied by apartheid struggle activist Reverend Allan Boesak, tried to visit disgraced former ANC Northern Cape chairperson John Block in prison.

According to reports, Sisulu and Boesak believe president Cyril Ramaphosa is behind the Department of Correctional Services’ decision to deny the visit.

In an interview with Radio Islam International, SAPOHR’s Golden Miles Bhudu said SAPHOR condemns with the strongest possible terms what is called an attempted gated and door tactic by both Minister Sisulu and Reverend Boesak.

He says the good reverend should have advised the minister, as a former prisoner himself, that specific rules must be adhered to.

He added that the Department of Corrections Services also tried to create the impression that they always follow the rules in the book, but it is not valid.

“There is some political interference here. When the minister and reverend got to the prison, somebody called somebody in a very high place, and a decision was taken,” he says.

According to Bhudu, correctional services do not have the necessary resources to ensure these calamities do not occur.

Listen below to the interview with Mufti Yusuf Moosagie and Gloden Miles Bhudu on Radio Islam’s podcast.


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