• NEWS
    Monday, 11:00 am - 11:05 am
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Programme Schedule


04h00: Riyaadhuth Thaakereen – Live Thikr Programme
05h00: The Early Breakfast
06h00: NEWS
06h05: Sabaahul Muslim, Morning drive time with Ml Sulaimaan Ravat
06h30: Surah Yaseen
06h45: Newspaper Headlines
07h00: NEWS
07h15: Hadeeth
07h30: Tafseer – Quran Commentary
07h45: Interviews, Current Affairs
08h00: NEWS
08h05: Interviews, Current Affairs
09h00: NEWS
09h05: MON: Book Review, Ml Ashraf Dockrat
09h05: TUE: At Taajir, Mufti Yusuf Moosagie
09h05: WED: Conflict Resolutions, Ml Zahir Raggie
09h05: THUR: Social Issues In Islam, Ml Ebrahim Bham
09h05: FRI: Nikah Notices & Sahaba Profiles, Mufti Mohammed Akoo
10h00: NEWS
10h05: MON: Socially Speaking, Sister Zeenat
10h05: TUE: Living the Legacy, Haafizah Rayhaanah Omar
10h05: WED: New Horizons, Faaiza Munshi
10h05: THUR: Household Express, Sister Ammarah
10h05: FRI: JUZ / PARA a day
11h00: NEWS
11h05: The Conversation
11h15: FRI: Live Khutba & Jumuah Salaah from Haramain with Translation, Surah Kahf, Surah Jumuah
12h00: NEWS
12h05: JUZ A DAY (Daily Qur’an) – Local and International Recitors (MON – THURS)
13h00: MON -THUR: NEWS & Zuhr Azaan
13h00: FRI: Live Local Jumuah
13h05: MON – THUR: Busy Buzzy Bees
13h30: MON: Reminders with Hajira Mzobe
13h30: TUE: Names of Muhammed (ﷺ), Ml M.Ali
13h30: WED & THUR: Ml Tariq Terezo
13h30: FRI: Busy Buzzy Bees
14h00: NEWS
14h05: Hayaatan Tayyibah, Shakirah Hunter
15h00: NEWS
15h05: Your World Today, Mufti Yusuf Moosagie
16h00: NEWS
16h05: Your World Today, Mufti Yusuf Moosagie
17h00: NEWS
17h05: Ml Junaid Kharsaney
18h00: NEWS
18h20: Ml Junaid Kharsaney
19h00: NEWS
19h30: MON: SANHA
19h30: Ml Junaid Kharsaney
20h00: NEWS
20h05: MON: Q & A, Ml Suhaib Lasanya
20h05: TUE: Medical
20h05: WED: 3 Talk, Ml Timol & Ml Ibrahim Daya
20h05: THUR: Extra Time
20h05: FRI: Rev it Up, Ml Muhammad Kara
21h00: NEWS
21h05: MON: Q & A,  Ml Suhaib Lasanya
21h05: TUE: Golden Advices, Ml Naeem Phiri
21h05: WED: The Insight, Annisa Essack
21h05: THUR: Ulama Profiles, Ml Obaidullah Bhoja
21h05: FRI: Saad Jada
22h00: NEWS
22h05: Highlights of the Days Programmes


03h30: Quran Recitation
06h00: SAT: Early morning breakfast show, Ml Ibrahim Daya & Ml Muhammad Kara
06h00: SUN: Ml Hussain Haffejee
07h00: NEWS
07h05: SAT: Wildlife & Fishing
07h05: SUN: Sunday Splash, Annisa Essack
08h00: NEWS
08h05: SAT: Weekend Breakfast, Ml Ibrahim Daya & Ml Muhammad Kara
08h30: SAT: DIY, Muhammad Salejee
08h05: SUN: Sunday Splash, Annisa Essack
09h00: NEWS
09h05: SAT: Let’s Talk Life
09h05: SUN: Gardening Programme, Annisa Essack
10h00: NEWS
10h05: SAT: Youth Talk, Bibi Aysha Laher
10h05: SUN: Sunday Breakfast, Ml Ahmed Waja
11h00: NEWS
11h05: SAT: The BIG Picture, Abie Dawjee
11h05: SUN: Panel Discussions
12h00: NEWS
12h05: JUZ / PARA A DAY
13h00: NEWS
13h05: SAT: Revival in Motion with Rayhana Omar
13h05: SUN: The Afrikaans Programme
14h00: NEWS
14h05: SAT: Kalimatul Huda, Hfz Husain Wadee
14h05: SUN: Hammaad Haffejee
15h00: NEWS
15h05: SAT: The Zulu Programme
15h05: SUN: Dawah Programme, Sh Samih Jaad
16h00: NEWS
16h05: SAT: Afternoon Mix, Irfaan Aboo
16h05: SUN: Repeat of Social Programme
17h00: NEWS
17h05: SAT: Nazm Hour, Hanzalah Haffejee
17h05: SUN: Alternate Radio
18h00: NEWS
18h05: SAT: Nazam Hour, Nauman Panchbhaya & Hanzalah Haffejee
18h05: SUN: Pearls of Paradise, Ml Suhaib Lasanya
19h00: NEWS
19h05: SAT: Nazam Hour, Nauman Panchbhaya & Hanzalah Haffejee
19h05: SUN: Pearls of Paradise Ml Suhaib Lasanya
20h00: NEWS
20h05: SAT: Gujerati Express, Sarah Husain
20h05: SUN: Under the Radar, Hfz Ebrahim Moosa
21h00: NEWS
21h05: SAT: Urdu Lecture
21h05: SUN: Under the Radar, Hfz Ebrahim Moosa
22h00: NEWS
22h05: Highlights of the Days Programmes


Prime Spot!!!


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  1. Shanaaz

    Aslm ww

    I would like to know if you do programmes on depression amongst Muslim females, especially single mothers and how to overcome it.
    I have managed to kick my depression and antidepressants after 25 years. My miracle was and still is, the Quran.

    I would like to empower other sufferers.

  2. Abdul kariem

    Slm, do you have all the recordings for the late night Tafseer’s and where can we download it for educational purposes.

    • anon

      sound cloud[ podcast] go under radio islaam you will find it

    • Abdullah

      Assalamu Alaikum

      Please make the series about 2nd marriage– where users speak about experiences – available for download. I believe this will be very beneficial to current users in aiding and understanding about these matters in today’s life lessons

  3. Razina Abdulla

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Please make the series Kicking the Habit – where previous drug users speak about experiences – available for download. I believe this will be very beneficial to current users in aiding the eradication of this habitual behavior.