• Quran Recitation
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Prophet Ayyub عليه السلام

مَنْ يُرِدِ اللَّهُ بِهِ خَيْرًا يُصِبْ مِنْهُ

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials.” [Bukhari]


The Prophet Ayyub AS was a Nabi whom Allah ﷻ had tested with serious health issues. Let`s take a look at his story.

Ibn Ishaq R said that the Prophet Ayyub AS was Roman. His lineage was Ayyub ibn Moos ibn Razih ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishaq ibn Ibraheem AS. However, others said that his lineage was Ayyub ibn Moos ibn Ra‛ooeel ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishaq ibn Ya’qoob AS.

Ibn Asakir reported that his mother was the daughter of Lut AS. It Is said that his father was among those who believed in Ibraheem AS on the day he was thrown in the fire and was to be burnt but survived.

However, of all these opinions, the first opinion is the most popular because he was from the progeny of Ibraheem AS. This is seen in the saying of Allah:

“… and from his offspring Dawood, Sulaymân, Ayyub, Yusuf, Moosa and Hâroon…” (Qur’an 6: 84)

In this verse, the pronoun ‘his’ is referring to Ibraheem and not Nooh (peace be upon them).

He is one of those Prophets who are mentioned specially that they received revelations. This is seen in Surah an-Nisaa:

“Indeed We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nooh and the Prophets after him. And We revealed to Ibraheem, Isma’eel, Ishaq, Ya’qoob, the tribes, ‘Eesa and Ayyub…” (Qur’an 4: 163)

So the correct opinion is that he is from the progeny of ‛Ees ibn Ishaq ibn Ibraheem AS. As regards his wife’s name, it is said she was Leea bint Ya‛qoob AS. Some others say that her name was Rahmah bint Ifratheem. Yet some others claim that she was Leea bint Mansa ibn Ya‛qoob AS. This is the most popular opinion.

Allah said: “And Ayyub, when he called to his Lord, saying ‘Harm has inflicted me and You are the Most Merciful.’ So We answered him and removed his affliction and We gave him his family and the like of them with them, as a mercy from Us and a reminder to Worshippers.'”. (Qur’an 21: 83-84)

And in Surah Saad:

“And mention Our slave Ayyub when he called his Lord, ‘The Shaytan has afflicted me with distress and torment.’… (Qur’an 38: 41…)

Qur’anic exegetes, historians and others said that Ayyub AS was a wealthy man who owned all kinds of wealth, such as cattle, sheep and servants, and vast property in a place called Hooran. He also had many children and a large family.

Then all of this was taken away from him. His body was inflicted with different kinds of diseases to such an extent that there was no part of his body that was healthy except his heart and tongue with which he remembered Allah. All throughout this, he remained patient and remembered Allah all the time, during the night and day, and in the morning and the evening.

His illnesses prolonged for such a long time that even his friends deserted him and his relatives stayed away from him. He was expelled from his town and thrown upon a dunghill. Everybody left him except his wife who fulfilled her duties. She did this because of the many good times she had with him and due to her compassion for him. She used to come to him and help him out in his necessities. It came to such an extent that she became weak and her money almost finished. She was in such a difficult situation that she started working to earn wages in order to provide for her husband. May Allah be pleased with her. She remained patient with him even through hard times that hit them when they were inflicted with loss of money, children and her husband became very ill.

It is said in an authentic hadith that the Prophet ﷺ said: “The most severely tried among the people are the Prophets. Then after them the righteous and then the likes and so on.”

Mujahid R is reported to have said that the Prophet Ayyub AS was the first to be inflicted by smallpox.

Historians and scholars differed as regards the period of time he was inflicted with trials. Wahb ibn Munabbih R said that he suffered for three years, not more not less. Other said that he suffered for about seven years and a few months. Humayd R said that the period was eighteen years. The severity of the disease has been described by as-Suddi R that it was so severe, that his flesh dropped from his body and nothing remained on him except his bones and muscles. His wife used to bring ashes and spread it under his body. When the trial went for long, she said, “O’ Ayyub, if you pray to your Lord, He will free you from this suffering.” He answered, “I have lived for seventy years as a healthy person, so can I not be patient for Allah for another seventy years?” she worked for people to earn money in order to feed Ayyub AS. (Tafseer at-Tabari, vol 23 p.107)

However, the people then started to be cautious of her and did not employ her because they knew that she was the wife of Ayyub AS and because of that, they too might get infected by the same illnesses or be put to the same trial. So when she did not find anybody to give work, she went to some of the daughters of high society and sold one of her plait in return for plenty of food. When she came to Ayyub AS with food, he asked her where did she get the food from. He showed his disapproval but she said, “I worked for the people.” Then when it was the following day and again she did not find anyone who gave her work, she sold the other plait in return for food. She then brought it to Ayyub AS. This time he swore that he would not eat the food till she tells him from where she has got it. At that, she removed her headscarf. When Ayyub AS saw her head has been shaved, he supplicated to Allah:

“And Ayyub when he called his Lord [saying], ‘Harm has inflicted me and You are the Most Merciful.’” (Qur’an 21: 83)

Ibn Abi Hâtim R reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ubayd ibn Umayr RA who said: “Ayyub AS had two brothers. One day, they came to him but they could not go near him because of the bad smell which came from his body. So they stood at a distance and one of them said to another, ‘If Allah knew any good in Ayyub, He would not have put him to this trial.’ This grieved Ayyub AS so much that he never got such grief before. He supplicated, ‘O’ Allah, if You know that I never spent a night with a full stomach if I knew someone hungry in that night, then prove me true.’ So he was proved true and a voice came from the heaven confirming his truth that was heard by the two brothers. He then supplicated further, ‘O’ Allah, if You know that I never had two shirts if I knew that someone did not have clothes, then prove me true.’ Again, he was proved true from the heavens while the brothers were listening. Finally, he supplicated, ‘O’ Allah, I seek help from Your Honour.’ When saying that, he fell down in prostration and said, ‘O’ Allah, by Your Honour, I will never lift my head till You cure me from my suffering.’ Then he did not lift his head till he was cured.”

Ibn Abi Hâtim reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas RA who said: “Allah dressed Ayyub AS with a dress from Paradise, then he went aside and sat in a corner. His wife came and did not recognise him. So she asked, ‘O’ slave of Allah, where did the afflicted person go who was here? I am afraid that dogs or wolves have eaten him.’ She kept speaking to him for some time and then he finally said to her, ‘What is wrong with you, I am Ayyub, Allah has indeed returned to me my body.’”

Ibn Abbas RA said: “Allah returned to him his wealth and children and others twice as many as them.”


Prime Spot!!!


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