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Prophetic Medicine

What is Prophetic Medicine – Ṭibb al-Nabawi?

Ṭibb al-Nabawi refers to the words and actions of Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ with reference to disease, the treatment of disease, and the care of patients. It also refers to:

  1. the actual words of the Prophet ﷺ on medical matters;
  2. medical treatment practiced by others on the Prophet ﷺ
  3. medical treatment practiced by the Prophet ﷺ on himself and others;
  4. medical treatment observed by the Prophet ﷺ with no objections, and
  5. medical procedures that the Prophet ﷺ heard or knew about and did not prohibit.

Ṭibb al-Nabawi also includes guidance on physical and mental health that is universally applicable to patients, at any time, and under all circumstances. It covers preventive medicine, curative medicine, mental well-being, spiritual cures (ruqyah), and medical treatments. It seeks to integrate body and soul in the quest for optimum health.

It is well known that Muslims have used Ṭibb al-Nabawi for many centuries. The Qurʾan and Sunnah wielded a great formative influence on the development of medicine and health sciences. Muslim scholars and physicians in the early days critically examined all available medical philosophies and practices in the light of their own belief system. It was not surprising, therefore, that they adopted the Greek (Unani) model, because it shared common roots with the Abrahamic teachings of the Torah, the Bible and the Qurʾan within the context of the creation of the universe, creation of Adam AS and Hawa RA, and man’s responsibility as vicegerent on earth, however staying within the Islamic ethos of Tawḥeed. Muslims amplified and developed the theoretical principles of Greek medicine into a comprehensive and practical system of healing.

Although conventional (also known as allopathic or Western) medicine can trace its roots back to Hippocrates, the practice of conventional medicine today is not strictly in line with the principles of the founders of medicine. Conventional medicine as practiced today is just over a century old.

In practice, conventional medicine relies heavily on the use of synthetic, new-to-nature, drugs, which are chemicals alien to the body. These generally work intrusively, and often suppress the body’s normal self-healing processes, known in Ṭibb as physis.

There are numerous differences between conventional medicine and Ṭibb al-Nabawi in their interpretation of health as well as in the practice of medicine. In conventional medicine, the World Health Organisation defines health as: “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease, or infirmity.”

This definition does not pay attention to the emotional and more importantly the spiritual aspects of a person’s life. Muslims are aware that the human being is a combination of body and soul. Ṭibb al-Nabawi emphasises the importance of maintaining a healthy body and a healthy soul, and provides guidance for both physical and spiritual health, the latter including emotional wellbeing. The practice of Ṭibb al-Nabawī not only focuses on treatment, or the absence of disease but also places equal emphasises on maintaining or preserving health. This is evident in Ibn Sīnā’s definition of medicine. “Ṭibb (medicine) is a branch of knowledge that deals with the states of health and disease in the human body for the purpose of adopting suitable measures for the preservation or restoration of health.”

Learning is the pursuit of Muslims. For this reason, it is important to learn about Ṭibb al-Nabawi. As the Islamic scholar, Imam Shafiʿi said: “After the science which distinguishes between what is permissible and what is impermissible, I know of no science which is more notable than that of Ṭibb.”

Muslim scholars in the past have written extensively on this subject and have collected, from the major works of those aḥadīth which pertain to Ṭibb al-Nabawi. Two scholars whose works on the subject have become famous are Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d. 751/1350) and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505). Both authors refer extensively to the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and draw from the classical aḥadith compilations.

Today with an increased awareness in medical healing, which is underpinned by a deeper spiritual consciousness than the material world has to offer, there has been renewed interest in Ṭibb al-Nabawī. The knowledge which was always present with Muslims is being rediscovered in many quarters.

Muslims adopting Ṭibb al-Nabawi in their lives is a way of practicing on the Sunnah of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ. This will Insha-Allah, result in good health, and also obtain the reward of the ʿibadah.

Healthcare is one of the greatest challenges of the new millennium. Not only are we faced with many infectious diseases such as HIV & AIDS, tuberculosis and meningitis, but also an unprecedented increase in diseases of lifestyle. Diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity have reached alarming proportions. Ṭibb al-Nabawī, with its emphasis on a healthy lifestyle both physically and spiritually, underpinned with the understanding that ‘prevention is better than cure’ can play an important role in addressing issues of current healthcare.



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