Neelam Rahim |
2-minute read
13 June 2023 2023 | 16:15 CAT

Image: BusinessTech
One in four coloured employees will have to be replaced to meet the Minister of Labour’s sectoral targets, as indicated in the proposed employment regulations regarding the new race law. This was revealed at a media briefing held by Solidarity and the Cape Forum.
Furthermore, coloured employees working in the agricultural sector in the Western Cape will have to be reduced, and many coloured women in the Western Cape will have to be replaced.
Solidarity reported that companies that do business nationally and national government departments would apply the national targets in the Western Cape. In Gauteng, 85 000 coloured employees will have to be made redundant. No coloured person may be appointed in Limpopo.
These figures come from a report issued by the Cape Forum and Solidarity which analyses the possible impact of concept regulations proposed by the Minister of Labour in terms of the Employment Equity Amendment Act. This report specifically focuses on the possible impact of the proposed regulations on the coloured labour market.
“For us, of particular interest is the impact on the coloured community, but more specifically in the Western Cape. Although the data shows that theoretically there should be more coloured employees in the Western Cape, this is just window-dressing,” Heindrich Wyngaard, Chairperson of the Cape Forum, said.
“These targets are indicative of the ANC trying to interfere directly in the coloured community’s workplaces with officials in the Union Building who now want to decide how the Cape should do business. We reject such central planning of the economy and will fight more and more towards federalism,” added Wyngaard.
Listen to the full interview on Your World Today with Mufti Yusuf Moosagie.