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Purpose and Responsibilities of Youth

Youth is a time in an individual’s life which is between their childhood and adulthood. It’s quite interesting to think about the fact that “Youth” is expected to be matured up however at the same time, they are not given the rights of a properly mature individual.

We hear this quite often that “Our youth is our future” or “Our youth is the hope of our nation” and so on. Why? Why ask so much from the “Youth”? Why does “Youth” have so many expectations to satisfy?

This brings me to a controversial question: “What is the purpose of Youth?”

To cite Mr. William Damon’s research where he surveyed 1,200 young people about the purpose that they think is of their life. Surprisingly, four-fifth of them had no particular wider purpose in life and were living life with no meaning. What meaning will your life have if you just go on following others, not knowing what you are doing, having no goal, no meaning, no purpose to life?

Starting from home, your most important part of life & socialization. The place where you spend the beginning of your life and a large portion of your life. Are the parents and family looking towards the purpose of their children? More than half of the time, the answer very sadly and unfortunately is NO!

Children are expected to be good in studies, keep themselves fit, grow up, earn money, and just other unequal commands given to them. Instead of ordering them stuff, would it not be better to give their life meaning, to tell them their purpose of life instead of the purpose of money. Do not ruin their youth without guiding them through their childhood. Parents should listen to the child, let them express their interests, let them show how high they can go, the career they want to choose, and their say in decisions. They may not always be wrong.

The “purpose” of this youth is not just studying and then choosing a career. They should see society through the eyes of a purposeful individual with meaning in life. They should be trained to make this world a better place, for themselves and the society, not just to tell them that they are the “hope” or the “future”.

The Responsibilities

Youth and life indeed itself flashes by, in the blink of an eye. That is why you need to ask yourselves what you can do for society and the country. A lot of power has been vested in the hands of the youth so that they can perform their duties effectively. They should start thinking positively and creatively. They must develop the spirit to refute what is wrong in society. They must realize that now is the time to take action.  Youth should not seek an easy, comfortable path. No one develops in a pampered environment.

These are some key responsibilities that the young generation must inculcate in them:

Value of Time: It is the responsibility of the youth to understand the importance of time. Every moment is crucial for them to take action so punctuality is a must.

Discipline: Youth has to understand the necessity of discipline in life. Youth is full of passion. Without discipline, the youngsters cannot work passionately.

Thinking Before Taking Action: Youth must not be impulsive. It is very important to think before taking action. This is how the youth will be able to create a thoughtful society.

Character Driven: Character builds up a nation. The young people need to be morally strong, reflective individuals and dedicated which will drive them to take corrective actions for the nation.

Fearless: The youth must be courageous in taking action. Fearless youth can fight injustice.

Goal-Oriented: The youth needs to be focused on the goals that he wants to accomplish. When the young generation is goal-oriented, then their vision and mission become very clear.

Zealous: Youth has to be energized, full of vitality. With the attribute of zealousness, the youth can help to protect the national security and interest of a country and ideological position.



Prime Spot!!!


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