• The Zulu Programme
    Saturday, 3:05 pm - 4:00 pm
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Pursuing Good Health

Yesterday we introduced the concept of Ṭibb al-Nabawi and emphasised that its roots were in the Qurʾan and Sunnah. Today we will discuss the importance of pursuing good health and accepting the decree of Allah ﷻ with gratitude and patience.

As Muslims we believe that everything in the universe happens by the Decree and Will of Allah ﷻ. His Knowledge and Power encompasses all affairs. Man cannot, with his limited knowledge, fathom Allah’s plan for the universe. It is therefore in our best interest to accept the Decree (qadar) of Allah ﷻ in all matters. This does not mean that we should be fatalistic in our understanding of life’s events. What it does mean is that we accept what is in the dominion of Allah ﷻ as belonging to Allah ﷻ, and what is in the finite and limited power of man as being of man. We have to continue to make our own plans and use all the means at our disposal to achieve our ends. This applies equally to the pursuit of good health, as it does to all our other affairs.

Central to the teachings of Ṭibb al-Nabawi is to conserve human life, preserve health and to eliminate or minimise the suffering of the people.

From the early years of the Islamic era to the present day, the importance of achieving and maintaining good health has been the major healthcare objective of the community, and a central tenet of the Islamic way of life. Perhaps less important is the need to cure ailments as they develop, and restoring the sufferer to good health. It does not mean that therapeutic medicine is not important, but that it is a secondary aim, and not at the forefront of health issues. This approach that emphasises maintaining good health is in harmony with a major objective of Islamic law, where maintaining health is deemed better than the treatment of disease.

A person who is in good health enjoys the greatest of blessings. Without good health, a person is not able to effectively carry out the many important activities of daily life. Being ill can have seriously deleterious effects on the person’s relationship with family and friends, and diminish one`s relationship with Allah ﷻ. It also brings in uncertainty about the future, and makes planning less assured and difficult. Good health is a major factor in a person’s individual prosperity, and that of his family.

At a higher level, the success of a community and a nation depends to a large extent on the general health of its people. It is not possible to have a successful and harmonious family, community or nation without people who are of healthy body, mind and spirit.

Good health is not merely the absence of disease. It is the physical, mental and spiritual expression of a state of equilibrium that exists in a person’s life, between his or her nature, the lifestyle followed, and the environment in which he or she exists. It is necessary for the person who seeks good health to take measures that contribute to establishing this equilibrium. In many ways, illness is the inevitable outcome arising from pursuing a poor, toxic or unwise way of life. People in the main tend to develop poor health because they adhere to an imprudent lifestyle.

This may not necessarily be one of deprivation, like starvation or malnutrition. It can be from excess, as with many aspects that characterise the present Western culture: overconsumption of energy-dense food, lack of exercise, poor sleep, high stress levels and a toxin-laden environment.

Everyone therefore, has a major responsibility to adopt a health-affirming lifestyle, not only to oneself, but to their greater community. As Muslims, this means living a lifestyle in accordance with the Quran and the Sunnah. Our bodies are a blessing and an amanah – a sacred trust given to us for which we are responsible in making suitable and appropriate lifestyle choices.

Whilst we recognise that we are obliged to maintain good health, we are also aware that during our lifetime we will be afflicted with some or other illness condition. How should we respond to this? The ḥadith narrated by Abu Dardaʾ RA provides us with the answer.

“O Prophet, if I am cured of my sickness and I am thankful for it, is it better than if I were sick and bore it patiently?” And the Prophet ﷺ replied: “Truly the Prophet loves good health, just as you do.”

The above ḥadith highlights the importance of maintaining health and seeking treatment when we are ill. Only with good health can we perform our activities of earning a living, performing ibadah and living a meaningful life.



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