Acne is characterized by the presence of comedones or blackheads, pimples, small superficial cysts, and scars.there are over half a dozen forms of acne, the most common being blackheads. The areas chiefly affected are the forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, chest, and back. In rare cases, almost the entire body may be covered with blackheads accompanied by extensive scarring.
Orange peel.
Orange peel has been found very effective in the local treatment of acne. Pounded well with water on a piece of stone, the peel should be applied to the affected areas. Or alternatively you could grate the orange peel on the fine side of the grater.
Lemon has also proved beneficial in reducing pimples and acne. Its juice should be applied regularly to obtain relief.
Garlic has been used successfully in the treatment of acne. Pimples disappear without scars when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day.
Even extremely persistent forms of acne, suffered by some adults, have been healed with this herb. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples and boils. The process is further helped be eating three pods of raw garlic once daily for a month to purify the bloodstream, so as to secure a long-term clearance of the skin.
Coriander (dhania) and mint juice.
A tsp. of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric (arad) powder, is another effective home remedy for pimples and blackheads. The mixture should be applied to the face after thoroughly washing it every night before retiring. Mint juice can be used in a similar manner as coriander juice.
Fenugreek. (methi)
Fenugreek is another useful remedy for acne. A paste made of the leaves of this vegetable, applied over the face every night before going to bed and washed with warm water in the morning, prevents pimples and blackheads.
Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes, and neck for 15 –20 minutes has been found effective. It is the best tonic for the skin of the face. Its regular use prevents pimples and blackheads.
Thyme and lemon lotion.
Boil several sprigs of fresh thyme in 2 cups of water for 2 minutes and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.
Strain the juice of ½ lemon. Use this to rinse the face at least twice a day.
Lettuce leaves.
Boiled and applied warm these help to soothe overheated skin. They also work wonders with sunburn.
Grape skins.
A poultice of grape skins is said to be the very best method of healing acne.
Yoghurt and oatmeal.
Mix natural yoghurt and fine oatmeal to a thick paste, apply and leave to dry. This paste can be used as a basic mask to which you can add herb, fruit and vegetable extracts to suit your skin type and problem.