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Remedies for gout (05.03.15)


Gout is a condition when there is excess of uric acid deposits in the body. It is a type of arthritis. In this case, the minimum level of uric acid present in the body increases. As such, these deposit in the joints, instead of being flushed into the kidneys. Gout mainly causes swolleness or inflammation which is usually seen in the knees, feet, hands, wrists and elbows.

At times, deposition is also seen in the areas below the skin and in the kidneys and the urinary tract. It is noted that the symptoms of gout are usually visible only in the night. The most common symptoms are pain and inflammation in the joints, swelling and feeling of pressure in the area where the swelling has occurred.

•  In a glass of water, squeeze half lemon. Take this concoction three times a day. Since lemon is rich in vitamin C, it helps in dissolving the gouty deposits.

•  Intake 6 to 8 ounces of fluid per day. Not only would it lessen the gout attack, but would also prevent kidney stones from developing.

•  French beans are helpful in treating gout. Extract half a cup of juice and drink this once or twice everyday. It would provide a healing effect and also reduce inflammation.

•  Grind mustard powder and mix equal proportion of whole wheat powder. Add water to this mixture to make a paste. Apply this paste over the affected area.

•  Take 2 tsp each of organic apple cider vinegar and honey. Consume this mixture once a day.

•  Take a bucket of warm water and add two cups of Epsom salt in it. Dip the feet in it until the water loses its heat.

•  Dip a white flannel cloth in warm castor oil. Place this over the affected area. Cover it with a plastic and apply heating pads to it.

•  For temporary relief, apply ice cubes over the affected area. This would reduce the pain instantly.

•  Combine one cup each of vinegar and water. Add 1tsp of pepper to it. Dab this mixture on the painful joint and keep it for about 2 to 3 hours.

•  Consume 3-4 bananas everyday. Since bananas are rich in minerals like phosphorus, it would react with the uric deposits thus eliminating them.

•  For people who suffer from gout in their toes, fill the bathtub with water and add one-third cup of ground ginger in it. Soak the affected area for about 30 minutes, after which, rinse thoroughly.

•  Regularly exercising works well to treat gout problem. The exercise should focus on the joints. Stretching joints and muscles would help to maintain a range of motion.

•  Increase in the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes, green pepper and leafy green vegetables.

•  Apples, cherries and strawberries are beneficial in treating gout.

•    Swallow 2-3 fresh, peeled garlic buds with water on an empty stomach in the morning.

•    Boil 10 rose petals in 4 tablespoons of vinegar until an ointment develops. Apply this ointment 3-4 times a day on the affected joint.

•    Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of fenugreek seeds powder, turmeric powder, and dried ginger root powder. Have 1 teaspoon of this powder with lukewarm water twice a day.

Diet and Lifestyle:
Avoid all sour, pungent, and fried foods; red meat; alcohol; and tobacco. Take light and easily digestible food like steamed or boiled vegetables or vegetable broth. Use wholegrain bread and cereals, and increase intake of seasonal fruits except banana. Increase the use of garlic, ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander, cardamom, and cinnamon in cooking. Avoid dairy products, especially yogurt. Take light and gentle exercise, as the joints should not be kept immobile. Massage the joints gently with lukewarm oil for 20-30 minutes every day and then have a warm bath. This will relax and relieve the joint pain. Avoid damp and cold places, and keep the body warm.



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