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Remedies on spices that heal

Clove, which can ease toothaches or headaches. Clove can be used in its natural form or as an essential oil. “If you have a toothache, chew a clove on the side of the mouth that hurts If you have a headache, rub clove essential oil on your temples  Fennel, which can be chewed to freshen breath, and reduce bloating;


Hing, which helps reduce gas pain. Hing is an Indian spices Use a pinch in sesame oil and rub it into the belly button. It is great for cramping as well, but it does have a strong odour.  Nutmeg, which can reduce restless sleep. “Grate an almond-sized piece of nutmeg and put a half teaspoon in a glass with warm milk, a teaspoon of molasses, a pinch of cardamom, and some cinnamon.


Turmeric, which is great for the skin. “Mix turmeric powder with oil to make a paste, you can apply to your skin and then rinse with buttermilk. This remedy is best for oily skin.  Tea tree oil, which is an essential oil that is anti bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It can be used topically to treat rashes, athlete’s foot, and acne;


Chamomile, which calms an upset stomach and aids in relaxation. It is most often used as a tea, but is also available as an essential oil. When added to bath water, it may help calm kids before bed,  Lemons, which can be used on rashes, insect bites, or combined with honey and hot water to treat a dry cough;


Garlic, which helps keep the intestinal track clean and helps lower blood pressure;


Peppermint, which is a great breath freshener and helps settle the stomach. “Peppermint can be taken as a tea, or the essential oil can be used externally,”


Allspice — has been used to relieve the pain of arthritis when used in a compress. It also settles the digestive system. If you're having problems with diarrhoea or flatulence give allspice a try.


Basil — can be used on skin infections and insect bites. Basil is high in vitamin A., vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. It is also a source of iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It is thought to help the eyesight, the cardiovascular system, and the hair. Make a tea with basil when you have the flu or any kind of digestive distress.


If you have cramps, nausea, indigestion, and constipation use basil to alleviate the problem. Basil tea can also soothe a headache and calm the nerves. Make a tea to lower a fever. Simmer a few peppercorns and a tablespoon of basil in a pint of water for 20 minutes. Sip slowly. Add honey if necessary.


Black pepper — has been used as a preventative medicine for many diseases. East Indians take a mixture of black pepper and honey every morning as a preventative for many common illnesses. When treating acute illnesses they take it several times a day. Black pepper has been known to decrease the formation of intestinal gas. It has been known to asthma, boils, colic, cough, diarrhoea, fever, gas, haemorrhoids, indigestion, chronic rheumatism, obesity, phlegm, sinus congestion, skin diseases, sore throat,


Parsley — is used externally to relieve itching. Parsley is one of the most nutrient rich herbs we have. When taken internally it helps to detoxify the body. It is also useful as a diuretic. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and an anti-spasmodic. It helps urinary tract infections, indigestion, colic, menstrual complaints, and inhibits tumour growth.


Rosemary — is used externally to promote hair growth, dandruff, scalp health, and circulation. It is used as a mouthwash, and an antibacterial gargle for sore throats. Internally Rosemary can be used as a pain reliever for headaches and arthritis. It also has been known to promote good digestion and circulation.


Sage — when used externally it is good for acne, throat infections, gum infections, breast pain and oily hair. Internally sage settles indigestion and gas. It also has been used as a tea to help anxiety and depression.


Thyme — is an anti-parasitical agent. When used internally it can help anything from the lack of appetite to pour indigestion and diarrhoea. It also helps with a hangover and stomach cramps. A fusion of thyme has been known to help bronchitis, colds, and whooping cough. Externally thyme can be used as an antifungal, and on parasites such as scabies and crabs.



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