An open area receiving at least 5 hours full sun a day
Protect from strong wing.
Any good well-draining soil with Ph BETWEEN 5,8 AND 7.
Prepare the bed or hole a few days beforehand.
Remove soil about 50 cm x 30 cm deep and put it to one side.
Loosen the subsoil with a fork and check that the water drains away. Add a sprinkle of superphosphate or bonemeal and a spadeful of organic matter and mix well.
To the removed topsoil add a small handful of superphosphate or bonemeal, 2:3:2 and a generous amount of compost, well-rotted kraal manure or milled pine bark and mix well.
Replace mixture in the hole, firm down and water.
Remove enough soil to take the root ball and plant, ensuring that he bud union is at ground level. Firm the soil down well and form a basin around the plant.
Water thoroughly.
Mulching and companion planting:
Roses are fairly shallow rooted and mulch will help protect them from summer heat, suppress weeds and minimize evaporation .
Use any dried organic matter- leaves, nut shells, bark chips or pine needles. Keep it away from the stems and renew regularly.
Watering and fertilizing:
Adequate water depends on temperature, rainfall, soil type and mulch thickness. Generally, roses require thorough deep watering.
Roses respond to regular additional nutrition in the growing season.
Give +-10 liters of 8:1:5 monthly, around each bush until April .
Alternate 8:1:5 with 2:3:2 or 3:2:1 early in the season and with 3:1:5 later.
Pruning hydrate tea, floribunda bush roses:
Remove dead flowers, weak straggly growth and die-back regularly.
Cut back by about half in January to ensure a good Autumn flush.
Main pruning should be done at the end of July or in early August.
Remove side branches and forks.
Courtesy of lifestyle