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Sayyidah Ruqayyah رضي الله عنها


This was the initial stages of Islam and the Muslims were being oppressed in different forms and they had to face various types of difficulties. During this period, Rasulullah ﷺ advised those who had become Muslims that it was better for them to emigrate to Abyssinia, for the king of Abyssinia was a noble man who did not commit oppression and people will live with peace and comfort there. Some Sahabah of Rasulullah ﷺ left Makkah with the intention to emigrate to Abyssinia. These people wanted to protect themselves from the persecutions of the Makkans and left their homes in the hope to save Allah’s Deen. This was the first emigration for the Muslims.

فكان اول من خرج من المسلمين عثمان بن عفان و زوجته رقية بنت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم

Among those who emigrated from Makkah were ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan RA coupled with his wife Ruqayyah bint Rasulillah RA.

This was the first group to emigrate in the path of Allah, which took place in the fifth year after nubuwwah. Among the daughters of Rasulullah ﷺ, Ruqayyah RA was the first to have the honour of emigrating. She enjoys this fortune together with her husband. For the sake of the protection of Deen, to bear the hardships of journey is no ordinary honour and sacrifice. Allah has prepared an enormous reward for it.

Enquiring About the Condition of Sayyidah Ruqayyah RA

After emigrating to Abyssinia, the condition of the emigrants was not known for some time. Rasulullah ﷺ was concerned about them. Meanwhile, a woman from Quraysh returned to Makkah from Abyssinia. Rasulullah ﷺ asked her regarding the condition of the emigrants. She responded: “O Muhammad! I saw your son-in-law and your daughter.” “In what condition did you see them,” questioned Rasulullah ﷺ. She explained: “‘Uthman was taking his wife on a conveyance and goading the conveyance from behind.” Upon this Rasulullah ﷺ supplicated: “May Allah be their companion! ‘Uthman is the first man to emigrate with his wife after Lut AS.” [Al Bidayah vol. 3 pg. 66, 67]

Returning from Abyssinia

After spending a long period in Abyssinia, the emigrants returned to Makkah; ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan RA accompanied by his wife, Ruqayyah RA, as well. Meanwhile, Rasulullah ﷺ had already made Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah. ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan RA prepared for the emigration and accompanied by his wife emigrated to Madinah.

The Honour of Emigrating Twice

Worthy to mention is that Allah favoured ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan RA and his wife with emigrating twice in the path of Allah for the sake of Deen, once to Abyssinia and then to Madinah. To emigrate twice is a magnificent virtue conferred upon them by Allah. The virtue of emigrating twice is established from the hadith wherein mention is made of the incident of Asma’ bint Umays RA, where Rasulullah ﷺ consoled her by proclaiming:

و له و لاصحابه هجرة واحدة و لكم انتم اهل السفينة هجرتان

He and his companion have one emigration, whereas you — O people of the ship (There was no way to get to Abyssinia in those days without ships. Hence, the emigrants to Abyssinia are also called ‘the people of the ship’) — have two emigrations (double rewards). [Muslim vol. 2 pg. 304]

Sayyidah Ruqayyah’s Service to Her Husband

Rasulullah ﷺ would visit his daughter at her home and would enquire about her condition.

ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم دخل على ابنته و هى تغسل راس عثمان

Once Rasulullah ﷺ went to her house while she was washing the head of ‘Uthman RA. [Kanz al ‘Ummal vol. 6 pg. 149 narration 2442]

يا بنية احسنى الى ابى عبد الله فانه اشبه اصحابى بى خلقا (طب عن عبد الرحمن بن عثمان القرشى)

Rasulullah ﷺ advised her: “O my daughter! Treat Abu ‘Abdullah well, for he resembles me in character the most.”

We learn from here the deep affection and love Rasulullah ﷺ had for his daughter, that he would visit her often. Moreover, we see the harmony between the spouses and the service she offered to her husband which is a teaching of Islam that the wife should serve the husband well. We also realise the strong bond Rasulullah ﷺ had with ‘Uthman RA declaring in his favour that he resembles him the most in character. This is a great compliment in ‘Uthman RA’s favour on the tongue of nubuwwah.




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