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Socially Speaking with Sister Zeenat – Monday, 16.11.2015


The Muslim Woman and Her Community/Society + Water Crisis



 Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Brakatu

At a time when we are vulnerable targets for criminals I found myself researching the most common behavioral mistakes we make that may put us in danger of being targeted. These tips are for anyone who commutes, whether you are a driver or you use public transport, or you simply walking to the store, EVERYONE should take precaution. Through empowering people with these simple tips I believe that it will save people the trauma and may even save lives. Insha Allah, Ameen.

Common Mistakes We Make When Driving, Using Public Transport or Simply Being Home..

•    Not locking doors or double checking that doors are locked
      of the vehicle

•    opening front doors when you have not positively identified
      who is outside

•    leaving keys in full view of the opened door causing the
      attacker to hold
      a gun on you and make you unlock doors and gates
•    not being alert in parking lots
•    trusting a clean cut, neat looking stranger
•    getting too cosy in conversation with strangers not
      realising its a distraction

•    keeping cellphones  in full view of passers by  when driving
•    pulling over when someone drives next to you and points
      out that there is
      something wrong with your car

•    texting and driving
•    wearing earphones when traveling
•    falling asleep in the taxi
•    allowing hawkers to distract us with items being sold at
      traffic lights

•    allowing hawkers to wash windscreens at traffic lights

Safety Tips when Traveling, Commuting or Staying Home

•    try to use reputable taxis, take note of the registration

•    do not check messages when stopping at a red traffic light,
      your distraction will increase
      your chance of being a victim of a smash and g
•    leave car windows open at 2.5cm or a quarter of a finger’s
      length so that if an object is
      thrown, it decreases the chance of the window
•    always keep children seated in the vehicle and ensure they
      have their seat belts on

•    call or sms a friend or family member and update them on
      your route and where you are

•    always sit close to the door for an easy escape
•    keep expensive items out of sight (jewellery, cellphone,
      ipad, labtops)

•    have the right fare ready to avoid delays
•    trust your gut, if you feel awkward get out before your
      planned destination

•    carry self defence spray or an electric teyzer to give you
      time to escape, scream or run

•    before entering the parking lot, make sure you have your
      keys, parking ticket and self defence spray or shocker
      ready, do not be
fumbling in your bag on your way to the
      car,  you will make for an easy target

•    do not keep all your money in one place
•    do not fall asleep in public transport
•    wear only one earphone so you are able to be aware of
      your surroundings

•    if you get lost don’t  make it obvious
•    park in well lit places and look at the back seat of your car
      before jumping in

•    when walking keep to well lit areas and on busy streets,
      avoid quiet shortcuts

•    stay alert when pulling into your driveway, if you suspect
      you  are being followed or watched, DO NOT pull into your
      driveway, rather d
rive to the police station and ALERT your

•    install applications such as “Phone Tracker“ on yours and
      your loved ones phones so you are able to easily point out
      the location of each
other at any time

Please share this information with your family and friends, you could be saving lives..


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