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South Africa`s Population

The population of South Africa was estimated to be 60, 6 million by the end of June 2022. Between 2002 and 2022 South Africa experienced a positive population growth year-on-year. A positive growth rate indicates that the population is increasing, despite the devastating impact of COVID-19 globally and within South Africa’s borders.

By 2022, measures of mortality indicate an improvement in Life expectancy at birth moving from 61,7 years in 2021 to 62,8 years in 2022. As the nation grappled with the pandemic, it brought attention not only to the importance of health care and other social services required by people, but also to the age profile of the population and the vulnerability of key populations in the country.

The elderly population, who are more vulnerable to having comorbidities, were more likely to experience the devastating effects of COVID-19. The vast number of deaths within this age group occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a drastic decline in the growth rate (1, 47%) of the elderly population.

This is not the first pandemic that South Africa has had to endure. South Africa has paid a large price demographically due to the AIDS pandemic. In conjunction with losing economically active adults due to HIV/ AIDS deaths, which impacted negatively on the demographic dividend, infant and child mortality reduced overall life expectancy in the country for a number of years.

The Mid-year population estimates (MYPE) offer key indices and estimates regarding births, deaths and migratory movements in the country as well as key estimates by age, gender and geographical data that assist in planning for and addressing the needs of the population.

In 2022, the MYPE indicated that about 28,07% of the population is aged younger than 15 years (17,01 million) and approximately 9,2% (5,59 million) is 60 years or older. The provinces reflecting the highest percentage of children younger than 15 within its structure are Limpopo (33, 6%) and EC (32, 7%). Gauteng still comprises the largest share of the South African population, with approximately 16, 10 million people (26, 6%) living in this province. KwaZulu-Natal is the province with the second largest population, with an estimated 11, 54 million people (19, 0%) living there. With a population of approximately 1, 31 million people (2, 2%), Northern Cape remains the province with the smallest share of the South African population.

The 2022 Mid-Year population estimates do not include inputs from the census conducted in 2022. Census data will be released in 2023 and these will be built into the 2024 estimates. Subsequently, there will be no mid-year population estimates report next year.

Some interesting facts with regards to South Africa`s population:

· The current population of South Africa is 61,563,404 as of Tuesday, July 11, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.

· South Africa 2020 population is estimated at 59,308,690 people at mid-year according to UN data.

· South Africa population is equivalent to 0.76% of the total world population.

· South Africa ranks number 25 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.

· The population density in South Africa is 49 per Km2 (127 people per mi2).

· The total land area is 1,213,090 Km2 (468,376 sq. miles)

· 66.7 % of the population is urban (39,550,889 people in 2020)

· The median age in South Africa is 27.6 years.


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