• Ml Hussain Haffejee
    Sunday, 6:00 am - 7:00 am
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Spending on Aashura – Part 13

There are two aspects related in this regard. The first concerning the virtue of giving general charity on the 10th of Muharram (Ashura), and the second concerning the virtue of spending specifically on one’s family on this day.

As far as general charity is concerned, it has been reported from the Companion Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said, “Whoever fasts on the 10th of Muharram (Ashura), it is as though he has fasted the entire year. And whoever gives charity on this day, it is like the charity of an entire year.” (Recorded by Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali in his Lata’if al-Ma’arif from Abu Musa al-Madini).

The second aspect is with regards to spending on one`s family.

The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have said:

من وسع على عياله يوم عاشوراء وسع الله عليه سائر سنته

“Whoever expands (his expenditure) on his family on the day of Ashura (10th Muḥarram), Allah will expand (his sustenance and mercy) on him for his entire year”.

This narration has been transmitted via five companions with these or similar words: ʿAbd Allah ibn Masʿūd, Abu Hurairah, Abu Saʿīd al-Khudrī, Jābir ibn ʿAbd Allāh and ʿAbd Allāḥ ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with them all).

This means that the head of the household will spend more freely and lavishly on his family on that day by way of purchasing and providing extra food and other such necessities. In simple terms, this means that what a person spends on normal days upon his family (for their food and necessities), he will increase that expenditure on the day of Aashura.

This Hadith provides an ideal solution during these times of global financial constraint. One can spend in any form that is deemed appropriate and is not restricted to food only as is commonly misunderstood.

The extent of expansion and spending will depend on one`s means. However, one should be careful not to squander or emulate the non-believers in their manner of `GIFTING`.

Sufyan ibn Uyayna (R) said, “I have practiced this (spending on the family) for fifty or sixty years, and have found nothing but good in it.” (Lata’if al-Ma’arif)

Accordingly, one should preferably spend more than normal by providing additional food and other items on this day as compared to other days. Feeding family, friends and the needy will be regarded as rewarding and a means of earning blessings and barakah on this great day. However, this practice should not be regarded as compulsory. If one is unable to practice upon this, one will not be sinful or accountable. At the same time, we should avoid being boastful, extravagant or going beyond one’s means to achieve this.


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