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State Security Investigating Massive SA Data Breach


Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 18-10-2017

It’s emerged that the State Security Department is investigating the circumstances surrounding the data breach of personal records belonging to 30 million South Africans.

It’s believed the data dump of about 27 gigabytes contains a wide range of sensitive information, including people’s 13-digit ID numbers, personal income, age, employment history, company directorships, race group, marital status, occupation, employer and previous addresses.

EWN reports an IP address linked to the unsecured server has been traced to a company in Midrand , but the two Gauteng based companies are accusing each other of being responsible for the data breach.

The Australian security developer Troy Hunt who identified the breach this week says the records may have been available for as long as two years.

Hunt says the extent of the breach is not yet fully known.

“The main thing we want to do is figure out how this got leaked and who was responsible for it. Unfortunately we’ll probably never know how many people have it and how far it’s been distributed.”

Check if you are a victim of a massive SA data leak 




Twitter: @FaizelPatel143


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