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Stay Safe and Healthy When the Heat Is On.

The key to staying safe during a heat wave is knowing how to keep cool and how to identify the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and related conditions often develop rapidly, and symptoms may not disappear quickly even after treatment begins.

Heat Cramps:
Heat cramps are caused by a deficiency of water and sodium, which leads to pain and cramps in the muscles, as well as excessive sweating. This condition is relatively simple to treat with rest in a cool place and by drinking water or an electrolyte solution. It may also help to stretch the affected muscles, gently massage them or press directly on the site of the cramp.

Heat Exhaustion: Exercise Caution
Too much evaporation of fluid from the body through heavy sweating can result in heat exhaustion. Symptoms of the condition include sweating; skin that is moist, pale and clammy; fatigue; headache; dizziness; fast, shallow breathing; fainting; vomiting; and a weak, rapid pulse.
Treat heat exhaustion by moving the victim to a cooler environment, laying him or her down and loosening the victim’s clothing. Elevate his or her feet 12 inches, and give plenty of water or liquids containing electrolytes. Moist cloths can help reduce body temperature. Enhance evaporative cooling by fanning the person. Encourage oral fluids if the person is thirsty.
It is very important to recognize and treat heat exhaustion as quickly as possible, or it may lead to heat stroke.
“Whether on the playing field or the construction site, summertime activity should be balanced with measures that aid the body's cooling mechanisms and prevent heat-related illness,”
Try and schedule your outdoor activities carefully. If you must be out in the heat, plan your activities so that you are outdoors either before noon or in the evening. It’s also important to rest frequently in a shady area because it will give your body's thermostat a chance to recover.”

Best Advice: Stay Cool
The best way to treat a heat-related illness is to avoid it altogether. Here are a number of hints to help you beat the heat:
NEVER leave a person or a pet in a locked car in the sun.
Check local news for the day’s heat index, as well as heat advisories, and adjust your plans for the day accordingly.
Drink plenty of water or sports drinks, even if you’re not thirsty. (Drink fruit juices in moderation.)
If you’re playing a sport or working vigorously, begin drinking extra water a couple hours before you start, as well as during your activity.
Cut out caffeine, which can dehydrate your body.

Put a barrier between you and the sun. Wear a single layer of clothing that is lightweight, light-colored (to reflect the sun’s rays), loose fitting and absorbent. Wear a hat to protect your head.
Wear sunscreen. It is recommended to wear a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher.
Limit activity between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., which is usually the hottest period of the day.
If you’re outdoors for a number of hours, find a shady spot to relax occasionally for at least a few minutes.
Indoors, use air conditioning, if possible. If you don’t have access to air-conditioning, use a fan to create a breeze. Keep shades drawn and blinds closed.

Take a cool (not cold) bath or shower once or twice a day — or more often if you wish.

Eat small meals, and eat more often. Avoid high-protein foods.
DO NOT take salt tablets, unless you are directed to do so by a physician.
If you feel nauseated, dizzy or weak, sit down quickly, this may keep you from fainting.
Don’t forget your pets! Be sure to provide shade and plenty of cool water for them.




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