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Symbolism of Muzdalifah

Also known as Al-Mashar Al-Haram or Al-Mashar, Muzdalifah is a region located between Mount Arafat and Mina, near Makkah in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia. According to Islamic history, pilgrims are instructed to spend the night of 9th Dhul Hijjah at Muzdalifah under the open sky. It is also the place from where pilgrims gather pebbles to hurl at the pillars of Jamarat.

Muzdalifah is four kilometres long and covers an area of 12.25 square kilometres. It stretches from the mountains of Ma’zamayn to the Valley of Muhassar. Muzdalifah is an open area located near Makkah, Saudi Arabia, in the Hejazi region. Muzdalifah lies at the southeast of Mina and is situated on the route between Mount Arafat and Mina. Pilgrims spend the second day of Hajj, the night of 9th Dhul Hijjah, at Muzdalifah, under the open sky.

Unlike Mina, there are no tents or any other accommodation facilities at Muzdalifah. Even though there are plenty of lights, as the night progresses, it can get difficult to distinguish between people. The boundaries of Muzdalifah are indicated by large purple signposts. There is also a masjid named Mashar Al-Haram, meaning ‘the sacred monument.’ It is located at the site of what used to be a small mountain.

When staying at Muzdalifah, there are two things that you can do:

· Pray: It is advised to spend the night at Muzdalifah praying to Allah SWT, asking for His blessings and forgiveness.

· Rest: To be well-prepared for the following three days of Hajj, a pilgrim must also make sure to rest a bit at Muzdalifah.

What Does Muzdalifah Mean?

The term Muzdalifah is derived from the Z-L-R Quranic root, which means “nearness” or “closeness.” It is believed that the valley was given the name of Muzdalifah because of its closeness to Mount Arafat. The root of its name is “Al-Mash’ar,” as this is the place where a pilgrim must reach to gather awareness.

Another name for Muzdalifah is “Al-Jam,” as it is the place where people gather.

Why Is Muzdalifah Important in Islam?

Muzdalifah beholds great significance in the history of Islam, as the stay can change a person’s heart and life for good. It is the place where pilgrims spend the night before pelting Shaytaan. Every pilgrim’s heart is filled with new resolutions as they make Dua while picking up the stones. Therefore, when collecting the stones, it is recommended to remember a blameworthy characteristic or sin with each pebble that you pick and know that when throwing the stones at the Jamarat, you are throwing your own bad habits away with it.

Every year, around 2.5 million Hajj pilgrims worldwide spend the night in Muzdalifah after gathering at Mount Arafat. These pilgrims stay the night under the open sky, representing equality and seeking repentance from Allah.

Muzdalifah Mentioned in the Quran

Originally the name Muzdalifah is derived from the Arabic word “Izdalfa,” which literarily means “to come near” or “to approach.” Muzdalifah is also known as Al-Mashar Al-Haram, which is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah in the Holy Quran:

فَإِذَا أَفَضْتُم مِّنْ عَرَفَاتٍ فَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ عِندَ الْمَشْعَرِ الْحَرَامِ ۖ وَاذْكُرُوهُ كَمَا هَدَاكُمْ وَإِن كُنتُم مِّن قَبْلِهِ لَمِنَ الضَّالِّينَ

“But when you depart from Arafat, remember Allah at al-Mashar al-Haram. And remember Him, as He has guided you, for indeed, you were before that among those astray.” [al-Baqarah 2: 198]


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1 Comment

  1. Ahmed khadijat

    Masha Allah