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Taliban launch spring offensive “Azzam”


Rahimullah Yusufzai, senior journalist based in Peshawar, spoke to Radio Islam this morning on the Taliban attack on Kabul Parliament yesterday and on the Taliban’s new spring offensive.

“Taliban have launched a spring offensive named “Azzam” meaning Resolve, determination.”

As part of this offensive the Taliban are doing 2 things:

  1. Carrying out big attacks capturing Land: They’ve taken Two district headquarters in Kunduz province in the Last 3 days, Kunduz being on the border with Tajikistan.
  2. Launching spectacular attacks on high profile targets: As seen in yesterday’s Kabul Parliament attack.

All Taliban attackers were reportedly killed. Official counts saying only 2 people were killed besides the 5 attackers, other reports saying 6 killed besides the attackers.

Members of Parliament were unharmed as the Taliban weren’t able to get right through to their alleged target but there will probably be nervous/Paranoid glances after this bit of Psychological war with those in power.

Yusufzai spoke about the significance of the capture of land in Kunduz and Helmand:

“Kunduz is strategically important because of the border with Tajikistan.

Taliban have been weak in Northern Afghanistan in the past, so this is a New development.
It seems they have more friends in that region now, than previously.”

He pointed out to a distinct change in Taliban operations this time around:

“Taliban until now were capturing towns and cities and then moving back… now they are holding those captured lands.. This is to show that they are acting from a position of power.”

There have been other changes to how Taliban have been operating in recent times:

“Taliban have been trying to improve image, attending international conferences of which Afghan Government officials also attend. However, there are No direct talks between Taliban and Government.”

Taliban showing diplomatic acumen off the Battleground and Military Power, on it.

US Army and NATO troops remain in Afghanistan, scaled down, big time. There is hardly any media coverage or focus on them.

“There are 10 800 US soldiers still in Afghanistan,
4 000 NATO troops still remaining.

These forces will remain for two more years so you can be sure that the Afghan Government will continue receiving military, economic and humanitarian aid for that time.

But soldiers are not the only obstacle for the resisting Afghan Taliban.
“Another concern is the 100 ‘s of drones that they are using with more regularity.”

Meanwhile the whereabouts and health condition of Talibans reclusive Leader Mullah Omar remains a mystery.

“No one has seen Mullah Omar in 13-14 years”

Every year on the onset of Ramadaan, Statements keep coming bearing his name. Taliban fighters believe he is alive.
He is Ameerul Mu’mineen (Commander of the faithful)

They will follow whatever directives he gives…

That seems to be the secret for the success of the Taliban Movement.

Taliban seems determined to fight on until the occupiers leave or they liberate the lands themselves.


Prime Spot!!!


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