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The Best Home Remedies for Cracked Heels (14.04.15)

Cracked heels, or heel fissures, are a common condition in which the skin begins to break along the outer edge of the heel. The skin there becomes very dry, hard and flaky which causes the fissures to occur. Some of these fissures may even lead to painful bleeding. But there’s no need to lose hope because there are excellent home remedies to treat this condition!
Cracked heels, or heel fissures, are a common condition in which the skin begins to break along the outer edge of the heel. The skin there becomes very dry, hard and flaky which causes the fissures to occur. Some of these fissures may even lead to painful bleeding. But there’s no need to lose hope because there are excellent home remedies to treat this condition!


Cracked heels can happen to anyone for a variety of reasons, but here are some of the most commonly found responsible factors:

-Being obese or overweight

-Walking bare foot for extended  periods of time

-Regular use of sandals

-Living in dry climates

-Wearing open backed shoes

-Thick,hard and inflexible skin around the heels

-Walking or standing on your heels for along time


-Lack of proper support from foot wear around the heel

-Prolonged standing on hard floors

-Inactive sweat glands

-Poor foot hygiene

-Athlete’sFoot,eczema or other skin  conditions

-Deficiency in minerals,vitamins,or zinc

-Thyroid problem or Diabetes

-Flat feet or high arched heels


One of the most important habits to adopt, if you have cracked heels or have had it in the past is to keep your feet moisturized at all time. Use a soft foot file on your cracked heels to reduce the development of fissures and to remove dry and dead skin cells. And remember, getting rid of cracked heels can be a bit of a process, and the condition will not disappear overnight.
Hydrogenated vegetable oil is said to be very good at treating cracked heels. Other oils that are good for treating the condition are: sesame, coconut, olive and vegetable oils.

First clean your feet with soap and water and pat them dry. If you already have cracks in your heels, rub your feet down for a few minutes with a pumice stone to get rid of the dry skin. Then, clean the area with a tissue and apply the oils to any cracks or sores in your heels. Rub the oils in liberally and leave the oil on your feet overnight. For effective results, apply oil each night for a week and you will experience a dramatic improvement in your cracked heels.
Ripe Bananas

Bananas can be an excellent moisturizer if they are used correctly. Mash up the banana and apply it to your dry and cracked heels. Leave the bananas on your feet for 15 minutes, and then wash off the mixture with warm water. Later, use cold water to wash off the remainder and to enliven your feet.

Lemon Juice

Applying lemon juice to cracked heels will soften the skin as lemon has acidic properties. Stick your feet in a bucket of lukewarm water and lemon juice for 10 to 15 minutes to hydrate your feet. Once you finish, clean your feet with a pumice stone and pat your feet dry.

Rice Flour with Honey and Vinegar

This is a great natural scrub for removing dead skin cells. To make the scrub, take 2 tablespoons of rice flour and mix it with 2-3 tablespoons of honey and vinegar. This should make a thick paste. Then, soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes, apply the scrub on your heels and wash it off with warm water after it’s dry.

 Glycerin-Rosewater Remedy for Cracked Heels
Glycerin is one of the best moisturizers that one can imagine. Mixed with rosewater, it can give you smooth and soft heels without any cracks.
Get this:
•    Glycerin- ¼ part
•    Rosewater- ¾ part
•    Lemon juice- from half a lemon
•    Warm water – enough to soak your feet
•    Salt- 1 tsp
•    Pumice stone
Do this:
•    Mix ¼ part of glycerin with ¾ parts of rosewater.
•    Add the fresh lemon juice to this mixture.
•    Take the warm water, add salt to it, mix and soak your feet in it.
•    Let the feet be there for 15-20 minutes. If you wish, you can add some lime juice to this water so that your dead skin cells may loosen up quickly.
•    Now rub feet with pumice stone to drop off dead skin cells.
•     Pat dry and apply your glycerin mixture.
•    Do this preferably at night before going to bed. Once your heels are cured, apply this glycerin lotion to your heels every day after having bath to prevent recurrence of cracked heels…
 Oil Massage to Cure Cracked Heels
Oils are the best natural moisturizers, not only for your dry feet but also for your skin anywhere. You can either use any hydrogenated oil alone or mix them to get added benefits of their different components.
Get this:
•    Almond oil; or
•    Grape-seed oil; or
•    Olive oil; or
•    Sesame oil; or
•    Coconut oil
•    Warm water
•    Socks
Do this:
•    Use one or a mixture of these oils (for example- a mixture of almond, grape seed and olive oil)
•    Wash your feet with warm water at night before going to bed.
•    Massage your heels with any of the oils or an oil mixture.
•    Wear socks and go to sleep.
•    Continue this till your cracked heels are cured!

Wax-Mustard Oil Treatment for Cracked Heels
This is a total treatment for your cracked heels. If you have wide fissures that bleed often, you need to make an ointment type mixture with wax and mustard oil to be applied to your cracks on heels. Although, it uses paraffin wax, you may use the normal wax taken from a candle at your home. Use w white candle though to obtain wax pieces as colours may aggravate your problems.
Get this:
•    Wax – 2 tbsp
•    Mustard oil- ½ to 1 cup
•    Socks
Do this:
•    Heat the mustard oil in a pan.
•    Add the wax to the oil and stir it continuously till the wax melts into it.
•    You should get a consistency like a gel or paste that can be applied to your feet. So, use wax more or lesser whatever is needed.
•    Let it cool down a little.
•    When the oil-wax mixture gets lukewarm that your skin can tolerate, apply it to the heel cracks.
•    Wear the socks so that you don’t stain anything that comes in contact with your oiled feet.
•    You may like to do it at night before you go to sleep for better results.
•    Store the rest of the mixture in a jar or bottle to be used next day.
•    Next day, if you see that wax has solidified, just heat it a little and apply to your feet.
•    Do this for 7-10 days till when you’ll get rid of your heel cracks

Vinegar Soak Remedy for Cracked Heels
White vinegar contains acetic acid which is gentle on your feet skin and softens them up. However, do not directly apply it on your heels as the acetic acid in it may dry up the skin further. Follow the below method to use vinegar for cracked heels remedy.
Get this:
•    White vinegar- ¼ cup
•    Water- ¾ of a feet soaking basin
•    An oil or natural moisturizer like cocoa butter, Shea butter
Do this:
•    Add the vinegar to water
•    Soak your feet in it for not more than 5-10 minutes.
•    Gently scrub the feet while soaked in water.
•    Wash the feet with normal water and pat dry
•    Apply oil or any natural moisturizer
•    Do not soak feet in vinegar water more that 1-2 times a week


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