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The Duaa Portal: A Dua to create a life of satisfaction

Shakirah Hunter

We all are incredibly aware of the great power of Duaa and we have no doubt that much of what we achieve – nay all of what we achieve in our lives are a direct result of the duas that we have made. But what tends to happen at times is that the acceptance of our duas are closely linked to the attachment of meaning and understanding to those duas. There are so many lovely duas out there which are full beautiful renquests of Allah – however we sometimes rattle of our daily duas to get done with our daily routine and we find ourselves completely unaware just what is it that we are asking Allah Ta’ala.

Insha’allah every week we will take a look at different Duas and create a deep connection to the words of Nabi Muhammed (s). Every dua He made came directly from Allah Himself and brings with it a deep solace in our lives and a beautiful connection to Allah Ta’ala and highlights our total inability in the face of His Total Power.

A Dua to combat dissatisfaction:

It seems that no matter where we are in our lives or what we may achieve – we are constantly trying to get the next best thing – to achieve more, to buy more, to do more.

We look at beautiful abayas and thobes and we save for those things with such difficulty – yet once we have it he bar is suddenly set higher. It is not wrong for us to want to achieve success – or to change our lives – but when this consumes us to the point that it drowns us and pushes us towards ingratitude – that is when we have a real problem.

Now this want and need to always have more is something that Nabi (s) has described in detail , it seems that we will never be satisfied. If we have one car we will need a second car , if we have one child we will feel the need for more. And He (s) says – “we will only be satisfied eventually when sand fills our mouths”.

To combat this, we have to recognize our weaknesses and combat it with duas that ask Allah to directly break these qualities.

The Prophet (S) has guided us to read:

اللهم قنعني بما رزقتني وبارك لي فيه

“Allahumma qanni’ni bima razaqtani wabaarikli fihi”

“Oh Allah, grant me satisfaction in that which You have provided me with and bless me in it”

This dua highlights to us first and formost that everything we have is directly from Allah Ta’ala Himself. It is only in understanding that every favour is from Him that we realise in complaining or feeling dissatisfaction that we are throwing His favours at Him. Therefore, we place our weakness to Allah Ta’ala in this dua and we ask Him to grant us this satisfaction so that it permeates our lives.

A deep satisfaction with our children, our spouses, our homes our life choices and our taqdeer. For whilst we strive to achieve more, we cannot do so if we break down what we have and what we have been blessed with even if we may feel like we have outgrown it.


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