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The Good Deeds Jar

Annisa Essack |
17:03:2023 | 15:00 PM CAT
3 min read

Photo Credit – MB on Pinterest

Are you looking for an easy way to get the kids to do good deeds this Ramadan? Perhaps, a Ramadan activity that requires little prep work and helps keep the kids engaged all month?

Well, the answer is to make a Good Deeds Jar.

Islam encourages us to perform good deeds, even compete in them!

In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah says: 

“So compete with one another in doing good. Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together ˹ for judgement.˺ Surely Allah is Most Capable of everything.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:148)

When we do good deeds, even small ones, each is counted as an act of charity for us. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Every good deed is charity. Verily, it is a good deed to meet your brother with a smiling face and to pour what is left from your bucket into the vessel of your brother.” (Sahih Tirmidhi)

Allah, the Most Merciful, has also promised that if we do good deeds, He will multiply our rewards for them. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, taught: 

“Every deed of the son of Adam is multiplied from ten to seven hundred times….”

(Sahih Muslim)

Let’s start making a Good Deeds Jar, especially with these beautiful encouragements and rewards. Prepping a Good Deeds Jar is a small, easy way for everyone in the family to strive for more good deeds this Ramadan.

To begin, you will need the following:

  • An empty glass jar
  • A pack of wooden popsicle sticks or use coloured paper rolled into small tubes
  • A pen or marker to write with

Step 1: Grab a popsicle stick or slip of paper and write one good deed on it. It should only be a few words long and phrased as a simple positive action. For example, you can write “Smile”, “Say SubhanAllah 10 times”, or “Read Quran for 15 minutes.”

Step 2: Continue until all the sticks have a deed written. For the paper, roll them into tubes. Additional embellishments on the sticks or jar are entirely optional.

Step 3: Place all the sticks inside the jar, which can be placed in a common area of your house that is easily accessible.

Step 4: You’re ready to earn big rewards for those little deeds. You or a family member can blindly draw a stick and complete whatever deed is written on it. You can do this once or thrice daily; however often you want to compete for good deeds.

There are endless options for good deeds you could write on your sticks. Brainstorm with the family to develop ideas about spirituality, worship, learning, family help, community service, or emotional regulation.

Here are a few you can begin with:

  • Thank Allah for a blessing in your life.
  • Play a game with your siblings.
  • Hug someone.
  • Say Algamdoelillah 10 times.
  • Water the plants.
  • Give a gift.
  • Read Quran for 30 minutes.
  • Make wudhu.
  • Pray two rakaah of voluntary salah.
  • Make dua for a friend.
  • Call your grandparents to say hello.
  • Brush your teeth or use miswak.
  • Help with the laundry.
  • Tell someone you love them.
  • Exercise for 15 minutes.
  • Help make iftar.
  • Learn something new.
  • Practice your Arabic.
  • Read a beneficial book for 20 minutes.

Allah has given us many options to earn His rewards and draw near to Him this Ramadan.

May Allah bless you and your family to fill your scales with good deeds and come together, striving towards all that is good in this life and the next.  Aameen.


Prime Spot!!!


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