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The health benefits and advantages of using the miswak

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)  laid great stress on the use of the Miswaak (a tree-twig used for cleansing the teeth). One of the Sunnats of Wudhu is to use a Miswaak. Wherever a Miswaak is available and is not used, the full beauty and complete Sawaab of the Wudhu is not realised. There are numerous benefits and advantages in using a Miswaak.

Advantages of the Miswaak:

1. Miswaak strengthens the gums and prevents tooth decay.
2. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches and prevents further increase of decay which has already set in.
3. Miswaak creates a fragrance in the mouth.
4. Miswaak is a cure for illness.
5. Miswaak eliminates bad odours and improves the sense of taste.
6. Miswaak sharpens the memory.
7. Miswaak is a cure for headaches.
8. Miswaak creates lustre (noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it.
9. Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.
10. Miswaak strengthens the eyesight.
11. Miswaak assists in digestion.
12. Miswaak clears the voice.
13. The greatest benefit of using miswaak is gaining the pleasure of Allah.
14.  The reward of Salaah (Prayers) is multiplied 70 times if Miswaak was used before it.


(1) Eliminates bad odour and improves the sense of taste

Allamah Ibn Daqiq (R) says: "The wisdom underlying the use of the Miswaak after rising from sleep is that during sleep bad vapours rise from the stomach towards the mouth. This causes bad odour in the mouth as well as a change in the sense of taste. Use of the Miswaak eliminates the bad odour and rectifies the change which occurred in the taste."

(2) Sharpens the Memory

Hadhrat Ali (R) said that "Miswaak sharpens the memory.

(3) Sharpens the Intelligence

"Four things increase the Intelligence—
(i) Shunning of nonsensical talks
(ii) Use of the Miswaak
(iii) Sitting in the company of the pious, and
(iv) Sitting in the company of the Ulama."

(4) Eliminates Slime

Hadhrat Ali (R) said that "Miswaak removes slime."

 (5) A Cure for Illness

Hadhrat Aisha (R) said that "Miswaak (its constant use) is a cure for all illness excepting Death."

(6) Miswaak creates fragrance in the mouth.
(7) Miswaak strengthens the gums.
(8) Miswaak prevents tooth decay.
(9) Miswaak prevents further increase of decay which has already set in the teeth.
(10) Miswaak is a cure for headaches.
(11) Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches.
(12) Miswaak creates lustre (Noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it.
(13) Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.
(14) Miswaak removes the yellowish ness of the teeth.
(15) Miswaak strengthens the eye-sight.
(16) Miswaak is beneficial for the health of the entire body.
(17) Miswaak assists in the process of Digestion.
(18) Miswaak is a cure for a certain mouth disease known as Qilaa'- This is stated in Hujjatul Baaleghah.
(19) Miswaak clears the voice. This is stated in TibbeNabawi.
(20) Miswaak facilitates the appetite
(21) Miswaak increases the eloquence of one's speech.

Abu Hurairah (R) said that "Miswaak increases the eloquence of a person."

Several other Ahadith of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) also mention the Miswaak to have been the practice of the Prophets (Upon Whom Be Peace). Thus, we can safely claim that the practice of using the Miswaak is as old as mankind itself since Mankind's origin on the planet was with the appearance of the first Nabi of Allah, viz. Adam (A.S.). Therefore, among the many advantages and benefits of using the Miswaak, one of the greatest benefits is the good-fortune of being associated with the Ambiyaa in this holy practice. On the other hand, those who neglect the use of the Miswaak invite upon themselves a great misfortune by being deprived of the tremendous amount of Sawaab (Reward) which this noble practice carries.

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