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The health benefits of water

Water is the all-round miracle drink that can do wonders for your health. Name any body part and you will find water is essential to keep it ticking over. Our bodies need H2O because we are 70% water – so drink up, even in winter when you'd rather have a hot cuppa. SW Health Doctor Carol Cooper says: "We tend to forget that central heating takes its toll and we lose more water than we realise. It's tempting to have tea and coffee but they're diuretic so we end up getting rid of water instead of topping up." She says for tip-top health, we should be knocking back at least two litres a day. Here are ten reasons to switch to water, whether it's bottled or from the tap.

1. Keeps Headaches at bay:
Three quarters of your brain is water so if you need a top-up, this is one of the first places that will feel it.
If your headache is caused by alcohol, then drinking lots of water – particularly before bed – will help get rid of it by flushing out toxins and re-hydrating the brain?

2. Reduces Infections:
The lymphatic system is your waste disposal system, breaking down toxins like caffeine before passing them into the blood stream. Dehydration weakens the flow of lymph in the system and makes the body less resistant to infection.
With Water, lymph flows properly again, fighting infection and lowering feverish temperatures.

3. Gives you better skin:
Skin needs water for elasticity, so too little water leaves it looking dry, looking lined and feeling delicate.

4. Keeps up your concentration:
Your body needs water to help flush out poisons from things like junk food and additives. If you are dehydrated, toxins hang around in the liver, making you tired and unable to concentrate. Water swills the poisons out and gets the system moving again. 5. Banishes Bags: Sunken eyes and under eye circles are signs that you need water. Eyes sink because there isn't enough water to keep them suspended in the eye socket. Under-eye circles are due to thin skin being bruised as fluid drains away.

6. Stops Cramp:
Blood transports oxygen to the muscles for activities such as exercise. If there isn't enough oxygen in the blood, the muscles create lactic acid which causes painful cramp. Drinking more water helps to keep blood pumped with oxygen.

7. Reduces Cystitis:
A healthy hydrated body removes waste with light yellow virtually odourless urine. If you are not drinking enough, the darker urine is more highly concentrated and waste products linger in the bladder, leaving you prone to cystitis and kidney infections.

8. Keeps Bowels Healthy:
Without Water the contents of the colon (lower intestine) can dry out and get stuck, eventually causing diverticulitis. Constipation can also be a problem, because water is needed to bulk out faeces. Drinking water, along with taking in water from Fruit and Vegetables, helps to rehydrate this waste.

9. Prevents Fluid Retention:
When you are felling puffy as women often do before a period, drinking water isn't your immediate thought. But it's the best treatment for reducing fluid retention. If your body doesn't get enough water, it senses there is a shortage and begins to retain every drop it needs for vital daily processes.

10. Keeps your breath Sweet:
Bad breath is a classic sign that you need to boost your water intake. Saliva helps cleanse the teeth of bacteria and keeps the tongue hydrated.
Lack of water dries the mouth, leads to furry tongue and prevents bacteria from being washed away, all of which can cause halitosis.




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