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The many health benefits of honey and ginger

We have learned, listened, experienced and benefited so much from the health benefits of honey and cinnamon.

But did u know that there are many wonderful health benefits of honey and ginger.

Both honey and ginger have their individual health benefits and the combination provides additional uses.

Honey and ginger health benefits are truly remarkable in every way that u might want to use it for.

It is used in many countries as a medicinal ingredient which many believe in. Some say it can help cure diabetes, head aches, colds, fatigue, nausea and the flu when used in tea or food.


· Ginger has long been known as a very healthy food. It has anti-cancer properties and is recognised as healthy by both modern and ancient systems of medicine

· Respiratory problems: The mixture of honey and ginger is an excellent expectorant and therefore provides instant relief to a person suffering from cough, cold, sore throat, and runny nose.

· Asthma: It is also believed that a mixture of honey and ginger along with black pepper is capable of treating or reducing the effect of asthma.

· Indigestion: Ginger and honey are also available in the form of ginger honey tonic. It is believed that this tonic or syrup is a good digestive aid due to the inherent digestive properties of ginger. Further both ginger and honey have antioxidant properties thereby increasing the immunity of the body. Therefore, consumption of one tea spoonful of ginger and honey tonic is very useful for people who have a weak digestive system.


Improved digestion: It is suggested that ginger can help in breaking down proteins, thereby treating indigestion. Moreover, the carminative property of ginger can help in expelling gas and in treating pain. For this, one can finely chop a fresh piece of ginger root and eat few pieces immediately after a meal.

Treatment of Nausea and Motion Sickness: It is believed that ginger root can relax and sooth the stomach wall muscle, thereby giving relief from nausea. This can also help in treating motion sickness. One can chew a quarter oz of fresh ginger root pieces to prevent motion sickness and treat vomiting.

 Menstrual Cramp Relief: Again, the antispasmodic property of ginger can help in relieving muscle spasm by soothing the muscular walls. This can help in giving relief from menstrual cramp.  For this one can prepare ginger tea by chopping fresh piece of ginger root into fine slices and boiling them for 15 minutes. Alternately, one can ground a teaspoon of ginger, swallow it and follow this by drinking a glass of normal water.

· Muscle Strains – Apply warm ginger paste with turmeric to the affected area twice a day.

· Sore Throat – Boil some water and add a dash of cinnamon, a little piece of ginger, 1 tsp honey and drink.

· For a persistent cough – Take a half teaspoonful of ginger powder, a pinch of clove with a pinch of cinnamon powder and honey in a cup of boiled water and drink it as tea.

· Ginger is a very effective remedy that is used in various ways to treat sore throat. In fact, ginger can be used as a treatment for coughs and colds, which are the causes of sore throat. Ginger can be taken in the form of a tea, or it can be made into hot beverage with plain water and sugar. The juice of ginger is also taken with honey in order to treat sore throats.

·Dried ginger powder 1/2 tsp, 2-3 black pepper cones, 2-3 cloves, 2-3 cardamom, 1/2 tsp. Cummins seeds should be boiled and add little tea leaves and honey and can be had hot. It gives good relief of the throat pain, cold, and cough. It can be taken two to three times in a day.

· Honey is used to remove phlegm. 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 inch piece ginger crushed and 3-4 black pepper corns boil it in 1 cup of water. Add 1 tsp. of honey to this and drink it warm. This is good for cold and cough with phlegm.

· Honey and ginger helps in proper digestion and prevents stomach diseases. Ginger juice is made with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice of ginger and lime and a teaspoon of honey in hot water.



1 tbsp Honey
1/2 tbsp Ginger Paste
1/2 tbsp Black Pepper Powder
1 tbsp Vinegar
3 tbsp Water  

Grind chopped ginger in mixer, to form a thick paste.
In a small bowl, mix the ginger paste with black pepper powder.
Add vinegar and honey to the mixture and stir well.
Add water to the mixture, to form concentrated syrup.
Set the syrup aside for a couple of hours.
Drink one to two teaspoon of the syrup thrice a day, to get rid of cough.

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