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Thursday 20110310 – On Saturday, 5 March 2011 corresponding to 29 Rabi’ul Awwal 1432, a group of senior Muftis and Ulama of the country from the various organizations held a workshop at the Offices of Jamiatul Ulama, South Africa, to study the Shar’ee content of the submission of the Muslim Marriages Bill  which UUCSA is to make to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.  
Among the the Muftis present were: Mufti Radhaul Haq Sb, Mufti Ashraf Quraishi, Mufti Ismail Raheem, Mufti Taha Karaan, Mufti Mas’ood Qaasim ,(representing Mufti Muhammad Sa’eed Motara), Mufti Abdullah Moolla, Mufti Zakariya Pandor, Mufti Muhammad Minty, Mufti Sarfaraz Ahmad, Moulana Abbasali Jeena, Sheikh Abdul Hameed Ghabeer, Mufti Rafeeullah, Moulana Ihsaan Taalib, Moulana Yusuf Ghafoor, Moulana Yusuf Patel, Shaykh Sayed Haroon.
It was unanimously decided by the Muftis that at this point in time it is vital that The Ulama adopt the stance of engagement and make appropriate submissions to the Government.
The Muftis also suggested that while the route of  engaging the government be pursued, a simultaneous effort should be made to request for the Arbitration Act, notwithstanding the fact that the government has thus far refused such  a request.
The Muftis discussed the submissions made by UUCSA and fully agreed on their compliance to the Sharia in addition to making further inputs.
Should the government fail to give us entirely what was requested, we should nevertheless accept whatever is granted, with a firm resolve to continue to acquire the maximum.
The Shariah MUST NOT BE COMPROMIZED at ANY COST and should any aspect of the Bill be in violation of the Sharia, then this project should be abandoned.





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