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The Palestine Report

By Neelam Rahim

Speaking to Radio Islam International on this week’s Palestine Report, Hafez Ebrahim Moosa said last week the Israeli army had targeted and raided the offices of several Palestinian Human Rights Organisations based in the West bank early morning, around 3 am.

He says about a year ago, six of these seven groups were declared terrorist organisations by the Israelis, UN experts at the time and after the several European States found no evidence for Israel making these particular claims.

There were no meaningful consequences imposed on Israel for taking this decision. Israel felt emboldened; therefore, we found this crackdown tangibly happening last week using brutal force on ordinary Human Rights Organisations.

According to Al-Haq, the Israelis blasted the offices’ doors and raided the premises. Also, close to Al-Haq, the Saint Andrews Anglican church was too attacked in this assault. After the assault, the army went into welding new iron doors to the offices of these human rights organisations and put on the doors military orders. They were demanding the office’s closure with words for the safety and security of the area.

Hafez Ebrahim also said that taken during the assault were files related to these particular organisations investigating and taking it forward.

“A lawyer representing these organisations said he believes the motivation for these attacks and the confiscation of some of these files was a desire to frustrate international criminal’s court investigation against Israel.”

Al-Haq believes there is a risk now that Israel will go further by ceasing the finances and assets of these groups. Because they’ve now been outlawed, they will also hound, arrest and possibly imprison many of their staff members.

The announcement came last week that the State of Israel and Turkey are restoring full diplomatic relations. Hafez Ebrahim said we can expect ambassadors are now returning to either side very soon. This comes in the wake of many months of developments.

Hafez Ebrahim tells Radio Islam coming out from yet another Israeli assault on Palestinians in the Gaza strip. A piece by the plus 972 magazines in conversation with a member of the Israeli army intelligence corps gives a greater insight into how the Israeli gather intelligence and the chilling ways in which they use this intelligence to trivialise Palestinian life and manipulate Palestinians.

He stated there is also a revelation that after Palestinians are killed, soldiers in this intelligence division are asked to monitor the phone conversations that happened among family members of the Palestinians who have been killed immediately after that. They would listen to these conversations despite these conversations being traumatic for the Palestinian victims. The Israeli army takes these conversations, records and saves them. Later, they incorporate them into their teaching and training to do cold exercises of Arabic translation for members of this particular division.

Listen to the full Palestine Report on Radio Islam’s podcast below.


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