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The Sahabah RA and their family relationships – Part 9

Under this theme, our focus on the Iftaar program during weekdays, will be to take a look at incidents from the lives of the illustrious Sahabah رضي الله عنهم and see how they overcame the trials they faced whether it was because of family or the absence of it.
Today we take a look at this great Sahabi:

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
Abu Ayyub RA continued to love the Prophet ﷺ with all his heart and the Prophet ﷺ also loved him dearly. There was no formality between them. The Prophet ﷺ continued to regard Abu Ayyub RA’s house as his own. The following anecdote tells a great deal about the relationship between them.

Abu Bakr RA once left his house in the burning heat of the midday sun and went to the Masjid. Umar RA saw him and asked, “Abu Bakr, what has brought you out at this hour? Abu Bakr RA said he had left his house because he was terribly hungry and Umar RA said that he had left his house for the same reason. The Prophet ﷺ came up to them and asked, “What has brought the two of you out at this hour?” They told him and he said, “By Him in Whose hands is my soul, only hunger has caused me to come out also. But come with me.”

They went to the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari RA. His wife opened the door and said, “Welcome to the Prophet and whoever is with him.”

“Where is Abu Ayyub?” asked the Prophet ﷺ. Abu Ayyub RA, who was working in a nearby palm grove, heard the Prophet ﷺ’s voice and came hurriedly.

“Welcome to the Prophet and whoever is with him,” he said and went on “O Prophet of Allah, this is not the time that you usually come.” Abu Ayyub RA used to keep some food for the Prophet ﷺ every day. When the Prophet ﷺ did not come for it by a certain time, Abu Ayyub RA would give it to his family. “You are right,” the Prophet ﷺ agreed.

Abu Ayyub RA went out and cut a cluster of dates in which there were ripe and half-ripe dates. “I did not want you to eat this,” said the Prophet ﷺ. “Could you not have brought only the ripe dates?” “O Rasulullah, please eat from both the ripe dates (rutb) and the half ripe (busr). I shall slaughter an animal for you also. “If you are going to, then do not kill one that gives milk,” cautioned the Prophet ﷺ. Abu Ayyub RA killed a young goat, cooked half and grilled the other half. He also asked his wife to bake, because she baked better, he said.

When the food was ready, it was placed before the Prophet ﷺ and his two companions RA. The Prophet ﷺ took a piece of meat and placed it in a loaf and said, “Abu Ayyub, take this to Fatima. She has not tasted the like of this for days.
When they had eaten and were satisfied, the Prophet ﷺ said reflectively: “Bread and meat and busr and rutb!” Tears began to flow from his eyes as he continued:

“This is a bountiful blessing about which you will be asked on the Day of Judgment. If such comes your way, put your hands to it and say, Bismillah (In the name of Allah) and when you have finished say, Al hamdu lillahil ladhee huwa ashbana wa anama alayna (Praise be to Allah, Who has given us enough and Who has bestowed His bounty on us). This is best.”

Lesson to Learn:
Look at Hadhrat Abu Ayyub RA`s treatment of his guests! He had went out of his way to prepare the best for them. Do we do the same for our family? Or when we hear the car outside pulling up, we begin moaning, “Why must they come at meal times?”


Prime Spot!!!


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