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The wonder spice called turmeric that cures almost everything






Turmeric: An Indian friend of mine gave me a recipe for sore throat, colds, flu, sinusitis: Take about a teaspoonful of turmeric powder, a teaspoon full of grated fresh ginger (or equivalent of dried ginger powder), a pinch of ground black pepper, honey or sugar to taste, and put it into about half a cup of water and bring to a boil. Then add about half a cup of milk, heat to just below boiling point, and drink the mixture slowly, while hot. I also supplement this treatment by inhaling steam and keeping a hot water bottle on my head, throat or chest. I used to have colds that lasted two weeks; now I can get over them within three days.



I have had the 'common cold' now for over two weeks and taking everything that the Dr ordered, I still couldn't get better. After taking 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon maple syrup, I'm well on my way to recovery. Slept all night for the first time last night and feel great today.



I was experiencing painful arthritis in both shoulders and I read about using Turmeric. That was several weeks ago and now I can truly say that taking the Turmeric has changed everything! The pain is nearly gone. I still have some slight discomfort, but nothing like I was going through before the Turmeric. I am praising God for His wonderful herbs and for inspiring all of the folks who write in with their testimonies. I take two 400 mg capsules three times a day and one 500 mg ginger capsule 3 times a day.



I am a true believer that every illness has a cure in nature without being tampered with, but I have never heard of turmeric to cure coughs and sinuses. while searching for a natural remedy for my wheezing cough and river-running nose, I thought I'd give turmeric a try( 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp honey with 1 cup of warm milk)VIOLA! I could breathe again.



"I have the Indian spice turmeric on hand for emergencies. Usually IBS has a lot to do with our emotional well-being and suggests something is or many things are stressing us and we need to make changes in ourselves. However becoming perfect can take more than a life time so I recommend turmeric, I swallow half a teaspoonful when I have a bad case of IBS and in half an hour I am much better. Only thing is as with lots of cures natural and pharmaceutical, if the IBS keeps coming back eventually the effect of the turmeric or other cure is lessened. What it gives us is a chance to feel better while we try to solve the underlying problems."



"Turmeric helped shrink a terrible bone bruise on my shin. I started taking turmeric to help my joints — I'm not sure it is helping with that yet — but it has helped shrink and reduce the swelling of the worst bruise. On the day before Father's day this year, my horse slipped in a creek, landed on my leg and then stood up on my leg! Ouch! Nothing was broken and after a few weeks most of the black and blue colour disappeared from my foot and leg. All around my lower shin bone there was tenderness and a hard swelling (about 3 inches in diameter all around the damaged area) and this has persisted until the last few weeks when I upped my turmeric intake. The hard swelling has almost disappeared and the tenderness has decreased also. I have been taking three 500mg capsules twice a day for about two weeks now."



I have been fighting a battle with boils/cysts since February 2007. From Feb to Apr 2007 I have been lanced in the operating theatre 3 times, and 5 times in the surgeon's consultation rooms.

The cysts would appear on the right loin, lanced, and then another would appear on the left loin.

I have seen an urologist, internist, ear, nose and throat specialist, and surgeon whose answer to everything was lance it.

It was a battle which started to affect my work, personal life. Within 48 hours the boil will start, and then grow till ready to burst. I couldn't plan any holidays, trips.

Then after May 2007 it went away, and I was ecstatic about this "remission" as it turned out. Lo and behold October 2007 it can back with a vengeance. Which I had once again lanced.

Then I decided to take my health into my own hands and made an appointment with a natural health practitioner. He did help a lot in reversing free radical damage, etc but he said to cut caffeine and aspartame. Which I did, but the boils re-appeared. My GP said that the medical profession can't help my further.

Then a friend of a friend who is Indian told me about this spice called turmeric.

Boils started to appear on my left loin. In less than a day the boils were red and inflamed. I immediately went to the nearest supermarket to purchase turmeric. Within a couple of hours the pain seemed less. The next morning the pain was CONSIDERABLY less and the boils shrunk to 1/3 of its original size. And on day 3 zip, gone nothing.

I have been using Turmeric for 1.5 months and it is still gone.

It does give you constipation and dehydrate you. Drink plenty water and buy some extra electrolytes.




"I have used turmeric as a joint pain remedy and it has always worked for me. I usually take 1 tsp in hot milk and it relieves all forms of body pains, joint pains."



"I started taking turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon once a day in about 1/4 cup of water after my mother told me it quited her cough. I have a chronic cough especially when my body temperature changes. It is amazing my cough has stopped. However, I have terrible knee pain and sciatic pain but am not sure if I am feeling much relief. I will continue and see what happens."



"Turmeric is one of the miracle spices in the world. Turmeric also builds your immune system. Since my Childhood I have always had sinus problems – runny nose – stuffed up when weather changes – I would be miserable for months – missing school – work when I came to USA.

Since last 4 yrs I have been taking less then ¼ teaspoon of turmeric + pinch of black pepper mixed in milk ( 8 oz ) – warm it in microwave for 1 min 30 sec – stir it an drink that before going to bed ( you can take this in morning / afternoon – anytime you like )

I am a changed person – no runnier nose – no sneezing – when weather changes (especially during spring/fall) – I have no problem with pollens. During cold months I have no runny nose. My kids used to get sick during school months – now they also daily drink milk with turmeric – they are also free from cold and fall less sick during school time. Here are few ways you can take turmeric to help yourself.

1. Take less then ¼ teaspoon of powdered turmeric + pinch of black pepper in 8oz of Cup – pour milk – place it in microwave warm it – ( Warm enough so that you can drink it ) – I usually warm it 1:30 min – remove stir it – enjoy your drink an your health.

2. You can also take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric in small cup – pour honey and warm it in microwave for 5 to 10 seconds – mix it well – using spoon eat it – 1 teaspoon – 3 times a day if you have cold / cough.




Prime Spot!!!


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