For proper treatment of corns. It is essential to first stop wearing shoes that caused it. In most cases, the corn will disappear when pressure is removed.
Several home remedies have been found effective in the treat of corns.
Lemon is another valuable remedy for corns. A fresh slice of the lemon should be tied over the painful area at night and it should be allowed to remain their whole night. The juice of pineapple can also be applied externally over the corns with beneficial results.
Raw papaya is beneficial in the treatment of corns. Its juice is an irritant and is therefore a useful application in this condition. The juice can be applied 3 times a day.
The skin of ripe bananas has been found valuable in treating corns. This skin should be applied to the corns, before retiring to bed. It should be kept covered for the whole night and removed in the morning. This treatment may be continued for 3 or 4 nights.
The milky juice of green figs is also valuable in treating corns.
It helps to soften them.
The pulp of raw potato is also valuable in corns. It should be placed on the corn and secured with a bandage and allowed to remain for 2 or 3 days.
Treatment for warts.
It is important to treat a simple wart as soon as it appears, otherwise it may spread. Dietary measures can be helpful in treating this condition. To begin with the patient should be kept on an all fruit diet for about 2 or 3 days. During this period he should take 3 meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as grapes, orange, apple, pineapple, mango, pear and papaya.
The patient should avoid tea, coffee, flesh foods, white flour, sugar and all products made from them.he should also avoid refined foods, tinned foods and frozen foods, as well as spices, condiments and pickles.
Home remedies.
Caster oil.
The use of castor oil is one of the most important home remedies for warts. This oil should be applied generously over the affected parts every night. The treatment should be continued for several months.
This juice should be extracted from the flesh; barely riped fruits and applied on the warts several times a day. The treatment should be continued for 2 weeks.
The raw potatoes should be cut and rubbed on the affected area several times a day, for at least 2 weeks.
The cut onion should be rubbed on to the wart.