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Types of Attacks – Part 3

There are many kinds of attacks available to the dedicated hacker. These are among the most famous and frequent types of attacks.

1. Denial of service (DDoS):
This is an attack used to restrict the user’s access to the system resources by flooding the server with useless traffic. The botmaster (botmaster is the cyber-criminal/attacker who owns the botnet and responsible for its actions) commands all the bots to access a resource at the same time so that the resource gets hopelessly jammed up. Then, if a legitimate user wants to access that same resource, they will not be able to do so.

2. Malware attack:
This is a malicious program that disrupts or damages the computer. There are four main types of malware:
Keylogger: Keylogger records all the hits on the targeted keyboard. Most hackers use it to get passwords and account details.
Virus: A computer virus is a malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program or document and changes how a computer works. The virus, such as the Melissa virus, requires someone to knowingly or unknowingly spread the infection without the knowledge or permission of a user or system administrator.
Worms: This is a standalone program that runs independently and infects the system. One of the more popular examples is W32.Alcra.F. The worm propagates itself through network share devices.
Trojan horse: This is a malicious code that takes over your computer. This code can damage or steal information from your computer.

3. Man in the middle:
Say, for example, you want to do an online transaction. You connect to your bank and conduct the payment. Simple, right?

Now, while you are doing a transaction, you have to enter the details of your card and the PIN. The cyber attacker spoofs you and monitors your transaction. As soon as you enter your details, he will have access to all of that information:

Tomorrow in sha Allah we will take a look at few other forms of cyber-attacks.


Prime Spot!!!


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