• Ml Junaid Kharsany
    Tuesday, 6:20 pm - 7:00 pm
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Who Are the Palestinians?

The Palestinian people are Arabs who live and have lived throughout history in a certain geographical region in the Middle East. Generally, Palestine is used to refer to the geographic region spanning from the Mediterranean Sea in the east to the Jordan River in the west. However Palestine has always been their from the Era of the Ambiya (as).

This region has played a major role throughout history, as it is important to several of the world’s major religions with nearly 98% of all Palestinians being Muslim since it includes the city of Jerusalem and other holy lands.

Currently, millions of Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, under the oppression of the Occupiers Israel. The conflict over these lands has left these Palestinians facing humanitarian crises, like lack of water, food, electricity, and little access to proper medical care.

Palestine in Islam

In Islam, Palestine holds significant historical and religious importance. Jerusalem, known as Al-Quds in Arabic, is particularly revered by Muslims as one of the three holiest cities in Islam, alongside Mecca and Medina. The significance of Jerusalem is rooted in various Islamic traditions and historical events.

إنها فلسطين، أرضُ الكثير من الأنبياء والمرسلين، فعلى أرضها عاش إبراهيمُ وإسحاقُ ويعقوب ويوسف ولوط وداود وسليمان وزكريا ويحيى وعيسى عليهم السلام وغيرُهمُ الكثيرُ ممن لم تُذكَر أسماؤهم من أنبياءِ بني إسرائيل

It is Palestine, the land of many prophets and messengers. On its land lived Ibraham, Ishaaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Lut (Lot), Dawud (David), Suleiman (Solomon), Zakariyya, Yahya, and Isa (Jesus), peace be upon them, and many others whose names were not mentioned among the prophets of Bani Israel.

إنها فلسطين، أرضُ بَيْتِ الْمَقْدِسِ، وبيتُ المقدس أَرْضُ الْمَحْشَرِ وَالْمَنْشَرِ، إنها فلسطين مَصْرَعُ الدَّجَّالِ ومَقتلُه حيثُ يلقاه عيسى عليه السلام، إنها فلسطين من الشام الأرض التي دعا لها رسولُ الله بقوله: اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِي شَامِنَا وَفِي يَمَنِنَا

It is Palestine, the land of the Masjid Aqsa, and the Masjid Aqsa is the land of gathering and resurrection. It is Palestine, where the killing of the Antichrist will take place, where Isa, (as), will kill him (Dajjal). It is Palestine for which Nabi ﷺ, made dua by saying: O Allah, bless us in Our Shaam (Palestine and surrounding areas) and our Yemen.

إنها فلسطين، كان عليها الكثيرُ منْ صحابةِ رسول الله، منهم: عُبادةُ بنُ الصَّامِت، وشدَّادُ بنُ أَوْس، وأسامةُ بنُ زيدِ بنِ حارثة، وواثِلَةُ بنُ الأَسْقَع، ودِحيةُ الكَلْبِيّ، وأَوسُ بنُ الصَّامِت، ومَسعودُ بنُ أَوْس، وغيرُهم مِنَ الصَّحابةِ الكرام رضي الله عنهم

It is Palestine, where many of the companions of the Nabi ﷺwere there, including: Ubadah ibn al-Samit, Shaddad ibn Aws, Usama ibn Zaid ibn Haritha, Wathilah ibn al-Asqa’, Dihya al-Kalbi, Aws ibn al-Samit, Masoud ibn Aws, (RA) and other Honorable companions (RA).

إنها فلسطين، كان عليها الآلافُ منْ أعلامِ الأُمَّةِ وعلمائِها الذينَ أضَاؤُوا في سمائِها بُدورًا ولمعوا فيها نجومًا، ومِن هؤلاء : مالكُ بنُ دينار وسفيانُ الثَّوري وابنُ شهاب الزّهري والشافعيُّ وغيرُهم .

نعم، هذه هي فلسطين.. من أجلها تَتَابَعَتِ التَّضْحِيَات، وعظم البذل.

It is Palestine. were thousands of the Ummah’s (Nations) notables and scholars who illuminated its skies and the stars shone in it. Among these people were: Malik bin Dinar, Sufyan Al-Thawri, Ibn Shihab Al-Zuhri, Al-Shafi’i, (ra) and others.

ومن أجلها قال السلطانُ العادلُ محمود نور الدين زنكي: أَسْتَحِي مِنَ اللهِ أنْ أَتَبَسَّمْ وبيتُ المقدسِ في الأسر

For its sake, Sultan Al-Adil Mahmoud Nour al-Din Zengi said: I am ashamed before Allah to smile while Jerusalem is in captivity.

وَمِنْ أَجْلِهَا شمخَ صلاحُ الدِّين برأسِه وأعدَّ عدَّتَه لِيحرِّرَ أرضَ الأقصى، وقد نصره اللهُ وفتحَ بيتَ المقدس

Because of this, Salahudin raised his head and prepared his equipment to liberate the land of Al-Aqsa, and Allah granted him victory and conquered Jerusalem.

ومن أجلِها صاحَ المظفَّر قُطُز صيحتَه الشهيرة (وا إسلاماه)

For its sake, al-Muzaffar Qutuz shouted his famous cry: “Waa Islamah (Oh Islam how sad is your condition.”

ومن أجلها ضحّى عبدُ الحميد بعرشِه وملكِه وقال: لا أقدِرُ أنْ أبيعَ ولو قدمًا واحدًا من فلسطين

For its sake, Abdul Hamid sacrificed his throne and kingdom and said: I cannot sell even one foot of Palestine.

ومِنْ أجلِها انتفضَ أبناءُ الحجارةِ يحمِلُون حصَى أرضِهم وترابها ليَرْمُوا بها وجوهَ الدُّخلاء الغاصبين

Because of it, the children of stones (Palestinian Children) rose up, carrying the pebbles and its sand of their land to throw them in the faces of the usurping oppressors’ intruders (the Zionist).

نعم يا فلسطين … من أجلِكِ نهض هؤلاء

Yes, Palestine… for your sake, these people rose.

ومِنْ أجلِها ذَرَفَتْ عُيُون وَلِتُرْبِهَا حَنَّتْ قُلُـوب

For its sake, eyes shed tears, and for its sake, hearts yearn for its upbringing.

إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين، إنها فلسطين،


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