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Why the need to Self-Improve? – Part 2

Why the need to Self-Improve?
Ever since we were young, we were told to excel in academics, focus on getting good grades and ace our exams. In schools, universities and colleges, the learning has always been more directed towards academic courses, but what about aspects like self-improvement and personal development that play an equally important role in people’s lives?

The importance of self-improvement often goes unnoticed. We are either conveniently brushing our shortcomings under the carpet, refusing to face them or are just happy being ignorant. Truth is – you cannot run away from yourself. The farther you run, the deeper a grave you dig because there will come a time when all those unresolved emotions will surface, leaving you overwhelmed.

So, what should you do? Start with consciously becoming more self-aware, observing your thoughts, emotions and responses and deciding to make self-improvement an integral part of your life.

Just the way learning should never stop, the same applies for self-improvement. The idea should be to focus on continuous self-development at every stage in our life and become better versions of ourselves.

Two Types of Improvement
When looking at improving yourself it is important to understand the two types of improvement goals you can reach for. One is Self-Improvement or Internal Improvement and the other is External Improvement.

External Improvement is the kind of improvement that can be gained or lost. Mainly focusing on money, fitness, credentials, status, friends etc. Whilst Self-Improvement is the kind of improvement that doesn’t change. It looks at habits, thought patterns, confidence, beliefs, learned skills and behaviours. These are all internal improvements
Of course, the two types influence each other for example, getting a great job with a good salary can start to improve your confidence, and as such being focused and disciplined may start your journey for a career that can make you rich. The two types interact in many ways.

“You don’t need to be great to start, but you need to start to be great.”
All in all, efforts to self-improve oneself will matter less without commitment, discipline, consistency, and hard work. It is why, Jim Rohn used to say, “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune… Income seldom exceeds personal development.”

The benefit of that will not only improve our performance on the job but it will also improve the quality of our lives overall. For self-improvement is very critical, as it will enable you to do things in the future that are beyond your current possibilities. Besides, studies indicate that continuous self-improvement pays dividends beyond the skills you acquire. That being the case, you and I should never stop improving.


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