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Will This Hurt The ANC?

Rabia Mayet |

25 February 2025

2 minute read

The return of loadshedding and the postponement of the budget speech due to a possible raise of 2% in the VAT rate is something the ANC is being held responsible for.

“South Africa is a very, very rich country,” says Prof Lesiba Teffo, a political analyst, but due to under-management and mismanagement that is “underpinned by corruption,” we are facing a possible VAT hike. He says that had we done the right thing and “cut the fat” in the past 30 years, pointing to the salaries of the executives, the public servants and government employees, we would not be talking about an increase in the VAT rate.

Reducing the homelands instead of multiplying them, as well as not having “over-bureaucratised government structures” would also have saved us a lot of money and contributed to a more stable economy, says Prof Teffo.

“Even the ANC has accepted the reality that this is not workable,” and had we not gotten into a “feeding frenzy,” we would not be in the situation we currently find ourselves in, the Professor concluded.

Listen to the full interview with Ml Sulaimaan Ravat on Sabahul Muslim.



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