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The harms of smoking – Part 1

World No Tobacco Day

Put your cigarettes away, or set yourself goals and a plan for cutting back or quitting and improving your lung, heart, and even mental health over time.

Every year the 31st of May is commemorated as World NO Tobacco Day

Smoking has long been a habit that so many people would like to kick, but it is something that has proven to be difficult. The good news is that in recent times there has been more of a focus on people quitting smoking, and societies trying to go smoke-free. This is something that businesses and establishments have embraced, and it has helped with a surge in the number of people giving up smoking, but there are still a lot of people with a smoking habit.

We see it every day, people standing outside, sometimes even in the rain, huddled over a burning stick of foul tobacco. The stench gets into their clothes, stains their teeth, and permeates the air around them. Every moment of every day is spent waiting for that next nicotine break, their obsession and taste for this disgusting habit only being eclipsed by those who insist that coffee is a beverage. World No Tobacco Day is dedicated to those who are determined to leave this foul substance behind them and encourage others to do so as well.

Indeed, becoming smoke-free these days is such an event that it has led to its own celebration. People like to acknowledge their achievements and celebrate a cleaner and healthier society, and this is one of the reasons for the creation of World No Tobacco Day. Over three decades ago, the World Health Organization created this day to allow the celebration of non-smoking, and to encourage those who do smoke to perform some level of abstinence from all forms of tobacco for at least 24-hours.

History of World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day was established with the goal of raising awareness of the dangers of this habit, and the thousands of lives it costs every year. Tobacco used to be considered an innocuous little treat for the civilized man and even went so far as to be touted as healthy by businesses who (doubtless) paid off doctors to help promote it for use. A hundred years and millions of deaths later, it’s become undeniable that tobacco use is one of the primary killers of people all over the world.

Indeed, lung cancer is believed to be the cause of the most cancer deaths worldwide, with tobacco being responsible for 22% of all deaths from cancer. It is important for everyone to take steps to try to combat this by trying to go tobacco-free as much as possible. This is no doubt the kind of stat that prompted the WHO to create this day, way back then. However, it is pretty evident that we still have a lot to do when it comes to trying to get people to be as tobacco-free as possible.

For decades, tobacco companies have intentionally used their marketing strategies to try to target younger and more impressionable people, and this has led to a surge in a lot of cancer deaths among young people. The idea of World No Tobacco Day is to draw awareness to the perils of tobacco, as well as having a specific day that people can use to give them the motivation to get clean and steer away from tobacco and tobacco-related products.

So if you’re one of the millions of people who light up a cigarette, step out for a cancer stick, or have a smoke, then let World No Tobacco Day be your chance for a freer, healthier future.


The focus of this day is primarily on enhancing tobacco and lung health, and this is something that plays a prominent role in society. People need to look after themselves better, and this is one of the ways in which they are able to achieve this. Think of it as a campaign to raise awareness on the negative impacts of tobacco and the tobacco industry, as well as highlighting the importance of lungs in the day to day lives of people. There is a hope that this is the sort of day that is going to shine a light on the tobacco industry and educate more and more people.

The simple fact is that a lot of people know smoking is bad for them, but they may not really fully appreciate the health problems that can come with a smoking habit. The point of World No Tobacco Day is to help them realize this, as well as giving people the opportunity to make the right changes that can help make them fitter and healthier.


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