Neelam Rahim |
2-minute read
01 July 2023 | 16:44 CAT

Image: VFW Auxiliary
Community health workers are more important than ever. This is especially important in light of the proposed introduction of the National Health Insurance or NHI scheme.
From the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism, Nicole Ludolph speaks on Community Health Workers’ roles in the different communities they are deployed into.
Ludolph said Community Health Workers are the first line of health care, particularly in the poorer and rural communities.
“While most health care workers are members from the community, their role educates the community on TB, HIV, STIs amongst other health concerns as well as assists people to manage their medication, support and care for the community,” says Ludolph.
Rolling out the NHI will rely heavily on well-trained CHW teams to deliver primary healthcare services, especially in areas where people struggle to get to clinics or hospitals.
Meanwhile, most community health workers (CHWs) in South Africa, except those in Gauteng, earn a stipend of about R4,000 per month, without benefits like pension or medical aid and the surety of a permanent pay cheque.
They’ve been fighting for better working conditions for almost a decade, with their main goal being to get on the government’s payroll, as their colleagues in Gauteng are, classified as level 2 public servants.
Nicholas Crisp, head of the National Health Insurance (NHI), said it’s the right call to ensure CHWs are protected, and there must be rules that determine the work they do depends on their education and experience, which is considered part of the sectoral determination. However, pushing for permanent government employment will limit the kind of work CHWs can do.
Listen to the full interview on Your World Today with Annisa Essack.