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Amazing uses for tea tree oil (05.02.15)

Check out these 15 amazing health and beauty uses for tea tree oil.  

1.Relieves chapped lips: Add 1 or 2 drops of oil to lip balm and apply to lips as necessary.

2.Assists with burn wounds: Run ice cold water on the burn. After a few minutes, combine 5 drops of oil with 1 tsp. of raw honey and gently apply with cotton ball.

3.Treats acne:  Add 20-40 drops of oil to your regular face wash or dab a small amount of oil on an acne breakout.

4.Helps with fungus infections of the nails: Rub 1 to 2 drops of oil directly onto and underneath the infected nail.

5.Treats bad breath: Add 3 drops of oil with 1 cup of warm water and rinse. Be sure not to swallow!

6. Relieves earaches: Mix 1 drop of oil with 1 tsp. of olive oil, drop mixture into the ear, then remove by tilting head.

7.Prevents lice: Use shampoo that contains tea tree oil or rinse your hair with warm water and 2 drops of oil.

8. Removes ticks: Place 3 drops of oil on cotton ball and hold on tick for a minute, then immediately pull off tick with tweezers.

9. Soothes summer skin: Mix 1 drop of oil with 1 tbsp. of coconut oil and gently apply to sunburned area.

10.    Offers relief from mosquito bites: Apply 1 drop of oil directly to bites.

11. Helps with dandruff: Add 20-30 drops of oil to your favorite shampoo and massage into scalp. Leave for 1 minute and then rinse well.

12.Relieves athlete’s foot: Massage 4 drops of oil into the feet or soak feet in bath of sea salt and 2-3 drops of oil.

13. Fights cavities: Add 1 drop of oil to your toothbrush before brushing. You can also create a mouthwash from water, 2 drops of oil, and 2 drops of peppermint oil.

14. Relieves sore throat: Rub several drops of oil over throat or gargle warm water with 1 drop of oil.

15.  Removes makeup: Mix and shake 10 drops of oil with ¼ cup of canola oil. Saturate cotton ball in the oil and sweep over face. Rinse well with warm water.

The best way to take advantage of tea tree’s healing properties is to dilute the oil in water or use at full strength and apply to skin. It can also be used in the form of ointments, creams, soaps, and more.

No matter what the reason for using tea tree oil, it’s important to understand that this clear to pale gold liquid is solely a topical remedy. While dabbing on your skin or adding to a vaporizer is fine, it’s imperative that tea tree oil is never consumed.


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