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ANC can Win 50% of the vote in 2024, according to Social Research Foundation Study

By Neelam Rahim

According to a new study by the Social Research Foundation, the ANC may grab 50% of the votes in the 2024 general elections. The study indicated that despite losing faith in the ANC, the conflict among opposition parties in coalitions might force voters to stick to what they know and remain with the ANC.

An independent election analyst, Dawie Scholtz, discussed with Radio Islam International.

Ipsos said they would get 42 per cent not too long ago, according to their latest poll and survey.

Dawie said the Ipsos pole had a huge percentage of undecided people in the poll it did not allocate. It only consisted of 70 per cent out of the people allocated.

He stated once all of the undecided in the Ipsos poll probably would have the ANC at 50 per cent or even a little over.

The sentiments put forth by the Social Research Foundation is that voters, as much as they may be disillusioned and angry with the ANC because of the state of the country. They don’t trust the DA, fear the EFF, and everyone else is too small. Dawie said the one thing seeing in often in polls is about 75 per cent of people, sometimes as high as 80 per cent, including people who vote ANC, think South Africa is headed in the wrong direction.

“People are unhappy with the ANC but don’t yet fully see a credible solution or alternative to the ANC.”

He stated it’s to do with one essential thing. While ANC may be perceived as corrupt and an ineffective government, at least it has specific policies intended to help people disadvantaged by apartheid.

He added that many voters might say that they will stick with the ANC until another party can’t offer credible alternatives to that.

“It’s incumbent on the opposition parties to develop comprehensive economic policy offers that cover those things and that seem credible, look serious and big enough.”

In response to questions, Radio Islam Dawie said the DA is perceived as white-led, a majority white party. It hasn’t addressed the issues of racialised inequality and social justice in South Africa and its policy proposals.

Meanwhile, according to these polls, the EFF does not seem to increase. Dawie said many people, around 11 to 13 per cent in some polls, are very optimistic about the EFF.

He said the problem is that a considerable portion of voters are put off by the radicalism of the EFF, who think that it is a little bit too extreme and aggressive.

“The vast majority of South Africa’s voters want a functional, effective government.”

Listen to the interview on Radio Islam’s podcast below.


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