COURTESY MUMTAZ MOOSA SALEY Makes two cups.. 1 large banana 4 dates of choice soaked in half a cup of water for 15 min...
Talbina smoothie recipe ideal for sehri (16.05.19)
2 glasses milk or 1 glass milk and 1 glass water 2 tblsps talbeena 1 tslp singhora powder few badaams/ pecans or...
Soft fluffy puri (25.04.19)
Boil together 3/4 cup water 1 cup milk with 50g butter. Cool till lukewarm Take 3 cups plain flour salt to your taste,...
Non flop rotie (25.04.19)
White Roti 2 cups flour ½ tsp salt Pinch of sugar 2 tblsp ghee/oil 1 cup boiling water Method: Mix everything together...
Classic yeast dough recipe (25.04.19)
COURTESY: Sunnyside Classics By Bibi Ayesha Kadwa Classic Yeast Dough A Family Favourite shared to us by Zohra Olla 3...
Easy tawa naan (25.04.19)
4 cups flour 4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt ½ cup plain yoghurt ½ cup milk 1 egg • Make dough with the above...
Healthy Rotie and Pita recipe (21.02.19)
Healthy brown pitas Brown self-raising flour 3 cups nutty wheat flour 1 cup cake flour 40 ml baking powder 1/2 cup...
Easy lunch recipes for the family (24.01.19)
NAAN FOLD OVERS Naan rotis Make dough with 3 cups flour 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp instant yeast 1 Tblspn sugar 1/4 cup oil 2...
A selection of different flatbreads recipes (30.08.18)
BUTTER NAAN: (comes out just like the pakistani restaurants) 2cups flour 1tsp salt pinch white pepper 1 small...
Non flop easy Roti Recipe (30.08.18)
COURTESY: KHATIJA EBRAHIM WHITE ROTI 2 cups flour½ tsp saltPinch of sugar2 tblsp ghee/oil1 cup boiling water Method:...