Sameera Casmod | 20 August 2023 | 15:05 SAST 3-min read The Barbie movie, released on July...
Sameera Casmod | 20 August 2023 | 15:05 SAST 3-min read The Barbie movie, released on July...
Mumtaz Moosa | 16 August 2023 | 12:00 CAT 2 min read With the passing of Women's Month, applying...
Naseerah Nanabhai | 18 August 2023 | 19:00 CAT 2 min read The digital world has transformed...
Shakirah Hunter Recently I had been doing a show , focusing on our expectations of Allah and how to keep our mindframe positive. We were having a lovely conversation when a caller called in and thanked us for the topic and then she went on to speak about the...
In July, South Africa suffered the worst violence since the 1990s. Highways were blocked and businesses, warehouses and other property looted and set alight. More than 300 people died. In mid-October, people were again shocked when a group of men, said to be Somali...
Shakirah Hunter Loneliness can be a test that we are unable to navigate as adults and can find it extremely challenging to make friends and to navigate the social rules of friendship. Creating social connections begin in our childhood. Although some people might be...
By Shakirah Hunter 22:12:2021 In an ever-changing world, with our knowledge skillset needing to be updated constantly - we are constantly in the tug-of-war of needing to develop ourselves but never seeming to have the time to do so. Our schooling systems have been...
Shakirah Hunter For the longest time, work has been our defining factor. Our only measure of success. As young children we barrel through our schooling career trying to get to a ‘finish line’. This magical place that allows us to rest. As adults in the workplace, we...
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 09:12:2021 As the door of the fridge opens for the nine millionth time, and my kids are on their third breakfast for the morning, I sit typing out my article on "How am I to handle the rest of this holiday?" Somewhere in our minds, we have all...
Shakirah Hunter Usually when one receives news about gangsterism there is always this association with fear, death, and the negative impact that members of gangs have on society. We constantly look at gangsters as being hardened criminals and once they have...
PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: BURNOUT By Zainub Jada 04:12:2021 Have your job expectations left you completely drained and running on empty? Struggling to find the reserves to make it through the day? Are you completely down out and at a point that you just can’t anymore?...