Hannah Omarjee | omarjeehannah9@gmail.com 17 February 2023 | 17:00 PM CAT 2 min read Besides breaking the stigma...
Social (opinion) Articles
Physical activity and reducing stress and anxiety
Naseerah Nanbhai | naseerahnanabhai@gmail.com 17 February 2023 | 13:00 PM CAT 1 min read A study conducted in January...
Letters of hope
Mumtaz Moosa | mumtazs@icloud.com 14 February 2023 / 13:00 PM CAT 2-minute read The devastation of the earthquake in...
Lockdown Fashion Revolutionised The Fashion Industry
By Naseerah Nanabhai The new year has highlighted revealing insight into our frustrations regarding social distancing and the mundanity of working from home. Our clothes it appears are now the most vocal expression of our emotions. Not only has lockdown changed the...
The Greenside Hadeda has been rescued
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley Residents in Greenside, Johannesburg have been on the lookout for an injured Hadeda. The WhatsApp post began on the local Greenside community groups and soon went viral. Hadedas are the alarm clocks we...
Lockdown Fashion Revolutionised The Fashion Industry
By Naseerah Nanabhai The new year has brought with it a fresh reveal about our frustrations over social distancing and the mundanity of working from home. Our clothes it appears are now the most vocal expression of our emotions. Not only has lockdown changed the way...
What Tech Lies Ahead? 6 Things to Expect in 2021
Faizel Patel – 02/02/2021 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) By mid-March 2020, business plans went out the window and many shifted focus from thriving to surviving. Pedro Lopes, group managing director, Seidor Africa says that “Technology trends will increasingly evolve in...
A random act of kindness goes a long way
Over the last few days, the random act of kindness has been making the rounds on social media, as the need for hope and relief is greatly needed in this rather dark time. The challenge began with people randomly going to school supply stores and asking to pay for...
Start 2021 on a Good Note, Spend Wisely Borrow Wisely!
Faizel Patel –12/01/2021 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) It is that time of the year where some consumers will feel like Januworry is three months long because of their financial situation. Unfortunately, some consumers are currently finding it difficult to meet their...
Are You Equipping Your Kids With Soft Skills to Take on the World? #Worldready
By Naadiya Adams As we become adults, we realise that there are so many things we didn’t learn as children that would assist us in everyday life. I remember thinking to myself when faced with doing my taxes for the first time, how come they never taught us this in...
Online exhibit honours Suleiman the Magnificent
An online exhibit is marking the half-millennium since Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent rose to the throne. The virtual exhibition titled "The Age of Suleiman the Magnificent" will display the great sultan's poems written under the pen name Muhibbi or Lover in...
Modern Day Publishing
Publishing has become a lot more accessible recently where authors can circumvent the publication houses and simply design, print and market their own book – which may make sense for a lot of people. So why go through the agony of submitting your manuscript to the...