Mumtaz Moosa | January 24, 2023, | 13:15 PM CAT 2 min read Many parents are still looking for...
Social (opinion) Articles
You may never know the effect your words have on others
Mumtaz Moosa | 03 January 2023 | 23:36 PM CAT 1 min read Many people get annoyed when a random stranger...
The joys of load shedding
Mumtaz Moosa Saley | 02 December 2022 | 21:45 PM CAT 1 min read Millions of South Africans have become...
[LISTEN] Ml Sulaimaan Ravat: “Don’t be like the Weather, Ponder on Your Temperament & the Effect it has on You & Others”
Faizel Patel – 08/12/2020 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) Have you pondered about the effect your mood has on those around you? Esteemed Islamic scholar Ml Sulaimaan Ravat on Tuesday while sharing the latest weather updates expounded on the common phrase of “his or her...
[LISTEN] Quality Street, We all Have our Favourite Favourite, What is Yours?
Faizel Patel – 08/12/2020 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) We all have our favourite Quality Street sweets, what is yours? A journalist at Business Insider South Africa audited’ 5 kilograms of Quality Streets, a popular confectionary brand in South Africa - especially...
How Super Model Halima Aden’s Exit is Symbolic of Self Worth
By Naadiya Adams @Miss_Naadiya In a promising modelling career that has spanned four years, Halima Aden has decided the runway is not for her - forsaking all claim to the high-profile industry. A lifestyle girls the world over dream of, a job millions would kill...
[LISTEN] How to Build Your Brand to Attract Employment
Faizel Patel – 06/12/2020 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) The deputy-managing director at Hill+Knowlton Strategies South Africa says young people should create a personal brand to stand out from the crowd and be noticed Lerato Songelwa was speaking to Radio Islam on Sunday...
How to Plan Safe Travels This Holiday Season
Faizel Patel – 02/12/2020 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) With the holiday season and festive break not far off, South Africans need a break after a very difficult year that many would just want to forget. However, with South Africans’ excitement and impatience to get to...
[LISTEN] Muallimah Taskeen Karrim: Watch Your Words, Be Kind to Others; the Crime of the Tongue is Severe
Faizel Patel – 30/11/2020 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) Respected Aalima and life coach Muallimah Taskeen Karrim has urged people to be kind to others as this was the trait of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muallimah Karrim was speaking on Radio Islam during the...
Malls are empty as shoppers opt to shop online
By Mumtaz Saley Moosa 27:11:2020 Black Friday, a much looked forward to a shopping experience for millions across the world and South Africa is no exception. The images of Black Friday shopping frenzies past surely struck fear in the minds of retailers, employees and...
Productive Life Coaching: Body Language
By Zainub Jada 27:11:2020 'Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important!’ Janet Lane What Is Body Language? Body language is a type of non-verbal communication in which physical behaviours, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey...
The Man Who Designed Makkah & Madina Masajid
Written By: Dr. Zaglool Al-Najjar, an Earth Scientist Dr. Muhammad Kamal Isma'eel (1908-2008), an Egyptian engineer and architect who preferred to be away from the public limelight, unknown to many: ▪ He was the youngest person in the history of Egypt to obtain high...