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Chilling out in Chile: Ml Suliman Jada talks Islam and Ramadaan in Santiago

By Ejaz Khan

Radio Islam’s Mufti Moosagie spoke to Moulana Suliman Jada about Islam In Chile, with focus on Ramadaan.


“At the moment very cold, Rain and even snow, The days are short days, but a fantastic atmosphere!

In Santiago, Sehri ends at 7:20 am local time, Iftaar sets in at 6:45 PM 
In the further areas time changes, Sehri ends at 8:30 am  4:45 Iftaar, really really short!”


The differences between South Africa’s Ramadaan experience compared to Chile:


“The difference between our country and here in South America is that here people live very far from Masjids, so don’t frequent as much…But In Ramadaan people come from early and stay, coming from an hour and a half away coming for all the Salaahs”


On Islam’s growth in Chile:


“15 Years ago , I can remember year, reading my 1st Taraweeh.
Today, alhamdulilah 110 People reading Taraweeh with us

There was no khatmul Quraan taking place, now they are multiple Khatmal Quraan, alhamdulilah.”


On whether he misses home:


“Not really Homesick, I have adapted and grown accustomed to Life in Chile.

Yes of course miss the brothers, Parents, In-laws, all family and friends but we have lots of work to do here “


On what’s Unique about Ramadaan in Chile:


New muslims , they are really trying their best to create a Ramadaan atmosphere, sisters especially preparing so much, people who work are taking off early, sacrificing their wages to come to learn deen, all adds to the Ramadaan Vibe


On Eid Day festivities:

“No Eidgaah here as Rain is a daily reality in this season , so we read at our Masjid.
15 years ago our masjid was empty, today it is gone small subhanallah.”

Message to listeners and family in South Africa:

“In South Africa you are living in “Jannah”.. Make use of all the blessings, appreciate what Allah has given you.

Try to leave that comfort zone and you will truly appreciate the bounties you have been blessed with.”




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1 Comment

  1. Ehsaan Moosa

    Salaams. I am currently on business in Santiago, how do I get hold of Moulana that Brother Ejaz interviewed?

    Jazakallah Ehsaan