Courtesy Mariam Vally
1 kg Mini T Bone steak or plain steak of your choice
Ingredients to marinate
1 medium onion
1 Tblsp course salt ( or as required)
1 tblsp fine dhania
1 tblsp aromat
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp white pepper
2 tsp crushed green chillies.
3 tblsp melted butter
2 tblsp mayonnaise
1/4 cup white vinegar
add all the ingredients to a food processor and liquidize. Marinate steak for a good few hours or overnight.
To cook steak use a flat based pot. Add a few curry leaves green chillies to pot. Add 2 tblsp ghee or oil. Allow ghee to sizzle. Add steak and cook until tender. Braise well until dry but moist.
1 tin Nestlé cream well whipped
2 tsp Worcester sauce
2 tblsp soya sauce
1 cup steers BBQ sauce.
3 tblsp garlic flakes
1 pkt Royco 3 cheese sauce mixed with water (there must be no lumps) alternatively liquidize all the ingredients but not garlic flakes allow the mixture to blend well on medium temperature. Lastly add garlic flakes Pour mixture over steak and serve.
Steak can be served with pasta; chips spice rice or English veggies