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His Birth

Specialities of Nabi  

His  Birth

The greatest of humans, the leader of the children of Aadam AS, Nabi Muhammad e Mustafa, Ahmad e Mujtaba made his blessed appearance into this world fifty or fifty five days after the incident of the elephants at dawn on Monday the 8th of Rabi‘ul-Awwal corresponding to April 570 A.D. in Makkah Mukarramah in Abu Talib’s house.

Regarding the date of the blessed birth, the opinion favouring the 12th of Rabi‘ul-Awwal is the most famous (amongst the common people). However, according to most Muhadditheen and historians, the most preferred view is that Rasulullah  was born on the 8th of Rabi‘ul-Awwal.

The mother of ‘Usmaan bin Abul-Aas, Faatimah bintu ‘Abdullah RA says:

“During the blessed birth of Rasulullah  I was with his mother Aaminah. I clearly noticed the whole house radiating with Noor (brilliance) and I also saw the stars stooping so low down that I thought they would come crashing down onto me.”

‘Irbaad bin Saariyah RA relates that during the blessed birth, Rasulullah’s  mother observed a Noor (radiance) that illuminated the palaces of Syria.

According to another report, the palaces of Busra (not Basra) were illuminated.

It is reported on the authority of K‘ab Ahbaar RA that the old scriptures portray the destiny of Rasulullah  thus:

محمد رسول الله مولده بمكة و مهاجره بيثرب و ماكه بالشام

“Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah; his birthplace will be Makkah and his migration will be towards Yathrib (Madinah) and his rule will be over Shaam.”

Hadhrat ‘Aa’ishah RA relates: “For purposes of business, a Jew was residing in Makkah. On the night Rasulullah  was born, he asked the Quraysh if a baby boy was born that night. The Quraysh dismissed him by indicating their ignorance but he was adamant and insisted: ‘At least make some enquiries because the Prophet of this Ummah was born tonight. This child has a symbol (seal) of prophet-hood between his shoulder blades. He would not be able to drink any milk for two days because a jinni has placed a finger over his mouth.’ Without further delay the people got to their feet to investigate this matter. They discovered that a boy was born to ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib. The Jew begged to be taken along with them. When he caught sight of the symbol (seal) of prophet-hood between the shoulder blades, he fell down unconscious. As he regained consciousness he asserted: ‘Prophet-hood has vanished from the Bani Israa’eel. O people of Quraysh! By Allah! This infant will launch such an attack upon you that news of this attack will rapidly spread from east to west.’”

It is also reported that on the same night an earth-tremor struck the palace of Chosroes causing all fourteen towers of the palace to crumble. Furthermore, the fire that was perpetually blazing for over a thousand years in the Persian fire-temple abruptly extinguished itself. Lake Sawah also unexpectedly dried up. The morning found Chosroes awfully distressed. His royal dignity prevented him from revealing his utter despair. He eventually convened court by assembling his ministers and other pillars of state. During the course of this assembly, he was informed that the “holy fire” has mysteriously extinguished. This fuelled his anguish even further. What further intensified his agony was when one of the Zoroastrian priests stood up before him in court and said: “I saw a dream last night in which powerfully built camels are dragging some Arabian horses. I then witnessed them crossing over the Tigris River and fanning out to each and every country in the world.”

“So what is the interpretation of this dream, then?” asked the emperor. The answer was eventually given to him that a baby was born in Arabia who would take over the world with his religion and belief in Allah.

Hadhrat Abbaas narrates that Rasulullah  was born circumcised and furthermore, his navel was neatly cut. When his grandfather ‘Abdul-Muttalib caught sight of this, he was amazed and remarked: “Verily, this son is bound to become a man of lofty status.” This is exactly what transpired.

Ishaaq bin ‘Abdullah narrates from Hadhrat Aaminah that when Rasulullah  was born, he was exceptionally clean and dirt-free. He did not have the normal effects of after-birth or any form of dirt on his blessed body.


Prime Spot!!!


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