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The Seerah – Part 1

Specialities of Nabi  

The Seerah

This Rabiul Awwal we are focusing on the Specialities of Nabi  with the aim and objective of increasing our knowledge and ultimately our love for our Blessed and Beloved Nabi .

For every Muslim it is more important to know about the Seerah of Nabi Muhammad  than to know about himself. In order to be able to protect and preserve our Imaan and to be able to act on the injunctions of Islam, we need to be aware of the Sunnah of Rasulullah  and the teachings he left behind for the Ummat. Allah  forbid, if the existence of Rasulullah  is dismissed, the very survival of a believer’s Imaan is in danger. This is why Allah  says:

 ٱلنَّبِىُّ أَوْلَىٰ بِٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ

“The Nabi is closer to the believers than what they are to their own lives.” [Ahzaab 33: 6]

The entire last week, we had taken out the time to explain the importance of the Seerah of Nabi .

The Seerah itself is a speciality of Nabi . How?

There never was, and there never will be, a human, in the history of man, who`s every action and every word has been recorded, collected, studied and practised upon, like the words and actions of our great leader and master Muhammed .

From birth to death, his entire life has been recorded for the Ummah to take benefit from.

We know how he ate, how he dressed, how he walked, how he talked, even private and intricate matters of his life have been recorded, so we know what he did before he slept, what he read before he slept, when he slept, we even know what position he slept in, subhan Allah!

In this way every action of Allah`s most beloved Prophet  has been recorded and this is a speciality of our Nabi  and a special gift from Allah  to this Ummah. Alhamdulillah, only the Ummah of Rasulullah  can lay claim to this honour. This is the only Ummah which is able to present the words and actions of their Nabi  with an uninterrupted chain of narrators. This is the only Ummah so familiarly attached to their Nabi . From the time of Rasulullah  right up to this present day, there has never been a single moment when this Ummah was detached from its Nabi .

There have been many previous Prophets AS and so-called great men who have roamed this earth, yet none of them have got their entire life recorded the way the Prophet Muhammed `s life has been recorded. Firoun thought he was a great king and even claimed Divinity, yet very little is known about him and his life, apart from his disbelief in Allah and his tyranny. Esa AS was indeed a great and true Prophet of Allah, and he had many followers, they even took him to be God, but his life has not been recorded to the detail that the Prophet Muhammed  enjoys.

Every word that the Prophet  uttered was wahi as Allah says:

وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ ٱلْهَوَىٰٓ

Nor does he speak out of his own desire [An Najm 53: 3]

إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْىٌ يُوحَىٰ

This Qur’an is but an inspired revelation [An Najm 53: 4]

So the fact that we have the Seerah in front of us is a speciality of Nabi  and a great favour of Allah upon us all, we should therefore endeavour to learn it, understand it, practise it and make others do the same.


Prime Spot!!!


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